Former Warwickshire Hunt director given caution after assaulting female saboteur
**WARWICKSHIRE HUNT ATTACKS SAB**On Thursday 9th November members of West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs were monitoring the Warwickshire Hunt who were hunting in Birdingbury, Warwickshire. The hunt were becoming increasingly annoyed at not being able to hunt properly and were filmed going through a list of contacts and then making some phone calls. Not long after these phone calls two aggressive hunt supporters turn up and approach the two sabs.One of them then hits one of the cameras before hitting the female saboteur in the face. When her back is turned on him he starts shoving her and then pushes her to the ground. He then lashes out at her again. When she challenges him about him hitting her he doesn't deny it and can he can be heard saying “you can hit me if you want I don’t give a f***” Back on the road one hunt supporter apologies and says “that should never have happened” and then agrees that despite their differences the saboteurs have never been violent towards them. When asked if it's acceptable to hit women, a female hunt supporter says “your not a woman, you're a monster” and “that’s nothing” referring to the blood coming from the saboteurs eyeFox hunting is a violent activity and it is only a short leap from using violence towards animals to using violence against people. Just like they try to justify their violence towards foxes by vilifying them as pests they try to justify their violence towards us by calling us monsters. They know we are non-violent and even admit to us that we’ve never been violent to them which shows that this was a completely unprovoked attack. We ask the question who are the real monsters here?”One of our cameras was damaged as a result of this attack if you're able to donate towards a new one please use the link below very much for all the kind messages of support. We will keep you updated on this incident
Posted by West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs on Saturday, November 11, 2017
Man cautioned after anti-hunt protester’s injury caught on camera – Coventry Telegraph
Former Warwickshire Hunt director Tony Ellis has admitted to assaulting a female hunt saboteur after the incident was caught on camera. Warwickshire police have issued him with a caution.
The footage was shot as members of the West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs were following the Warwickshire Hunt, between Birdingbury and Marton, earlier this month.
The incident was reported to Warwickshire Police , who have now stated that a 57-year-old man from the Rugby area has been cautioned for assault following an incident on land near to the A423 Oxford Road in Marton on Thursday, November 9.
A spokesperson for West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs said
“The fact that Mr Ellis is a former director of the Warwickshire Hunt shows that people high up in the hunt condone violence and think that it’s ok to go round hitting women. It shows that fox hunters are nothing more than violent extremists.”