Doon to Toon. 24th March 2012

STUC march Troon 24th March 2012.

The Scottish Trade union council have called out for a seaside stroll and rally against youth unemployment to coincide the Scottish conservative party conference. Although we are not sure if a few Neo-Liberals standing in a cold empty auditorium, looking slightly embarrassed, hoping no one who knows them see’s them there can be classified as a conference.

Uk 2012

Transport has been arranged from most Scottish branches of the TUC and local unions. Please contact your local branch to see if they are involved and if they have seats left.

 It would be great to have a big turn out for this event, so bring your flags, masks and megaphones and make some noise.

 Youth unemployment is very high just now, with over 1million unemployed, a figure that is set to rise in 2012. Of course, capitalism needs a large pool of desperate workers, this helps keep wages low and also gives raise to modern slavery schemes like Workfare.

 As a special treat for us all “JustcallmeDave Ltd.” the head salesperson from the now infamous Toryskum[tm] Party will be in attendance. He, no doubt, will be up to inform the few Scottish members of the Toryskum[tm] Party what he is selling off next week.

 All 6 members of the Scottish branch of Toryskum[tm] Party (plus an elderly Asthmatic dog) will probably be pleading again for “JustcallmeDave Ltd.” to let them change their name so people in Scotland may begin to vote for them again.

 The Dirty Hoof thinks that may not quite work as we Scots are a canny bunch with long, long memories of the Thatcher nightmare and we already have enough rightwing wing-nuts who will sell us all to the highest bidder. They are called the SNP and Liberal “Democrats”

 If we had no Holyrood and no Unkle Salmon we do wonder which fine nation would be getting to try the NHS privatisation first. Just because Scots invented loads of cool stuff (and some bad) does not mean that we still choose to be used as a Petrie dish for any bent, Neo-Liberal experiments.


 See you on the streets!

 No Pasaran!

 Assemble – 12pm South Beech Esplanade -Victoria Drive.

March off 12:30pm.

Rally 1pm – South Beech Esplanade – Tichfield road.




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