NF Demo Alert!

Calling all Anti-Fa!!
The National Front have announced their plans to demonstrate in opposition to a proposed mosque in Seaton. It is vital that the NF are shown up as the out-of-touch, bigoted minority that they are. This counter-demonstration is to show that their racism and fascism are not welcome in Aberdeen.

The National Front describes itself as a White Nationalist organisation, and is founded on ideas of segregation, fascism and hatred.

In light of recent events in Woolwich, racist assaults, attacks on mosques and open bigotry against the Muslim community have increased dramatically. This can only be beaten by collective, community action.

We need to show, now more than ever, in the streets, that Aberdeen stands united against hatred.

Join us at 1pm on King Street (outside Lidl), and we will show them that we will not tolerate racism.

One thought on “NF Demo Alert!

  1. HI,just a quick note on getting to the demo from Union st. Look for a number 1or 2 bus going down the hill toward King st, and ask the driver to let you off at Lidl’s. it’s a fairly common stop, and takes around 10 mins from union st :) look forward to seeing you there

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