Llangeinor Hunt scratching their heads



On Saturday we sabbed the Llangeinor Hunt. The last time we visited them it ended with a sab being hospitalised by hunt thugs. Too much time had passed since then so today we headed to Wales, met up with South Wales Hunt Saboteurs & Severn Vale Sabs and caught the hunt leaving their meet in Blackmill.

The hunt were clearly shocked to have Sabs with them and the huntsman was overheard on the phone saying “I am not happy, I cannot deal with all these activists”. He looked completely bewildered and was clearly trying to scramble for a new plan in order to stop us following him to his easily accessible chosen route.

Firstly, four police vehicles arrived after a phone call from the hunt fabricating a story about us. They soon lost interest so next up were the hunt support throwing their weight around and blocking roads. What they didn’t seem to realise is that when they blocked one group it let another get on with some work. While our group were blocked, we could hear the huntsman desperately trying to encourage the hounds to pick up scent but he barely got any response. Seems being kept away from his desired coverts was working…

At one point one group of sabs were subject to masked-up hunt thugs chasing them armed with sticks stopping them from getting near the hunt. Whilst this was going on the other sabs were free to catch the hunt as they were heading home, throwing in the towel having had a dismal day’s hunting. Glad to be a part of that.

A tough day, but no kills known unlike the horrendous one Guildford Hunt Saboteurs unfortunately had to witness. Love and solidarity to all involved.

We’ll be back with the Llangeinor soon…

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