Category Archives: General

Jane Howarth wins census court case

Hello everyone, Some great news to share – census refuser Jane Howarth had her court case dismissed last week after the judge declared that her court summons should have been for refusing to fill in the census, as required by … Continue reading

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Census objector allowed to challenge the Census Act

Really really big news here! I’ll just quote the recent Guardian article Census objector granted leave to challenge Census Act: The government’s prosecution of census objectors is in jeopardy after a Birmingham man was granted a judicial review to challenge the … Continue reading

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Guilty in court: Deborah Glass Woodin’s story

Deborah sent this through to us, and we thought we’d share it with you. Enjoy! I appeared at Reading Magistrates Court on Monday 14th May, to plead ‘not guilty’ to the charge of not sending in a completed census. To … Continue reading

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Judith Sambrook’s case formally dismissed!

The Crown’s case against Judith Sambrook – for refusing to complete the 2011 Census – was formally dismissed at Shrewsbury Magistrates Court yesterday morning. This is the first not guilty verdict we’re aware of in relation to 2011 census refusers. … Continue reading

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John Marjoram’s case dropped!

The following is a (slightly edited) letter written by John Marjoram about the Crown Prosecution Service dropping his case. I have recently been informed by my legal advisers that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has dropped the case brought against … Continue reading

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Breaking stereotypes: finance director, census refuser (part 1)

We’ve previously published a letter from Gyles Cooper on our blog – now, here’s one part of an interview. Enjoy! There’s a popular image of a protester which the news cameras capture at every demonstration: it’s a young student with … Continue reading

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Resistance is fertile #3: the law of census refusal

Genny from No Concensus has kindly allowed us to adapt a piece she wrote into a three-part blog piece. The first was on why people refused, the second on the court process; this week, it’s the law surrounding census refusal. … Continue reading

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SUCCESS! 222 come together to pay Roger Franklin’s fine

A follow-up to our recent post, on the solidarity project to get 84 year old Roger Franklin’s court fine crowd-funded… …it worked! Roger was fined £460 by Bristol Magistrates Court for conscientious objection to the 2011 census run by Lockheed … Continue reading

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Resistance is fertile #2: the court process

Genny from No Concensus has kindly allowed us to adapt a piece she wrote into a three-part blog piece. Last week was on why people refused; this week, it’s what goes on for the refuseniks that are taken to court. … Continue reading

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Roger Franklin: every little helps the 84 year old refusenik

UPDATE 08/03: 240+ people have paid towards Roger’s fine so far in two weeks – amazing! March 1st: Roger Franklin is an 84 year old peace campaigner and census refuser from Stroud. Last month, he was fined £460 by Bristol … Continue reading

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