London Zine symposium was fun! I dished out a lot of copies of the DIY or Die zine, met some ace people, hung out with our friends and generally had an ace time.
If you’ve just realised that you don’t have enough zines to read, it’s time for a little library trip… There are some online on the northern indymedia site and more on the zine library site. But nothing beats a nice bit of paper in your hands. The 1in12 Library (Bradford) has a little zine library coming along, you can come peruse the photocopied pages on Saturdays 12-4pm (when the Cafe is open) and Library Collective nights (alternate Thursdays, check the calendar)
We were really happy to see the amazing Applecore zine still going strong on issue 18. Applecore was the first zine I ever read when I used to live in the midlands and was about 14. Thinking that we would never be cool enough to make a zine or put on a gig Henry encouraged me and my friends to just frikkin do it. We made a zine called Vegetable Soup for an actually quite substantial amount of time and put on loads of gigs (including Lightyear and Captain Everything which made us feel cool because that sort of thing was totally 100% cool at the time)
I also got my hands on a zine about the recent Roller Derby Tournament in London (which you can relive on the Derby News Network) Issue 5 of Race Revolt, and to feed my insatiable habit for mini zines, an A7 publication entitled Being a Not Girl, recommend.
It was nice to see our friends from Scale Trees again and hang out with Hoojemaflap for zine chats and general funtimes.
I took some copies of the new Kerb Crawled zine, which we made from the contributions people made at Bradford Zine Fayre 2010 and Brighton Zine Festival 2011. It’s a really great collection of people’s responses to being kerb crawled, I left some copies in Brighton at the Cowley Club, but if you’d like a copy drop us an email on with your address and one will magically arrive in the post!