Category Archives: General

Blackmore & Sparkford Vale Hunt, Stock Gaylard Park

MEET : Stock Gaylard Park
Tuesday 12th Feb 2019

It would be nice to say we were surprised to see the BSV hunt out today with Mark Doggrell at the helm following his criminal behaviour on Saturday but we weren’t !! Killing a fox and then brawling in the street in Yeovil in the early hours with his two sons wasn’t enough to make him hang his head in shame …. nor deter the field of around 40 riders which was half of the turn out for last year ! We did have the pleasure of working with monitors today including Wildlife Witness and a big shout out to them !

Leaving the meet just after 11.30am the hunt headed West towards Bishops Caundle. A foot team went in at Rowden Mill Farm and heading south managing to keep ears or eyes on the hounds whilst they searched the area. Mark Doggrell was really urging the hounds on and they went into cry in Northfields Withy Bed. Heading north east to Middle Plantation this fox was lost and the huntsman carried on up to Ricketts Wood and cast the hounds through this area. Not finding their miraculous trail in here they continued north east to Warr Bridge.

Exiting onto the A357 at 12.15 which was, as usual rather busy didn’t make any difference to the huntsman as he turned left and cast the hounds through the thicket beside the road leading to the T junction with the A3030. Eventually he gathered the hounds and took them left down the A3030 where he repeatedly searched the areas beside the A3030 and the A352
( see photo ) causing traffic to build up in both directions. Last year at this meet there was absolute bedlam on the road, this year it was far worse ! Dorset police have allowed the hunt to go unchecked so if you were caught up in that today trying to go about your daily business please let Dorset Police know your thoughts ! Two foxes were observed in this area fleeing for their lives and the Landy patrolled the road spraying each side of the road whilst a foot Sab also sprayed either side of the road. Hounds spilled onto the road several times as the huntsman crossed over between Lydlinch Common and Brickles Wood trying to get the hounds on the line. Eventually the hounds found the line of a fox the monitor saw 30 seconds prior and they were speaking as they came down beside the road and around brambles on the common side but a foot Sab was ever present using citronella to prevent the hounds picking up and a monitor was ensuring it was all on film. This ruthless, dangerous and ignorant game continued until gone 1pm and the hounds crossed a final time to the Brickles Wood side and went into cry travelling south through Brickles Wood. A foot team went in to see what was happening as the supporters gathered along Hyde’s Lane.

From here the hounds headed east over to New House Farm area and all the support began to gather along Holebrook Lane. The Landy dropped a foot team in at Holebrook Green Farm where the bearded psycho was sitting in his vehicle. Another fox was seen away to safety here as it fled away from the hunts direction, we believe this to be the fox they followed from Brickles Wood. The bearded psycho told us we weren’t on a footpath but we knew better and continued on, just a meter or so from his vehicle there was a footpath sign on the gate !

The hounds were then heard speaking in the northern part of Deadmoor common and foot sabs made good speed in this direction. Penfold, a regular terrier thug for the BSV, gave sabs some grief about not being on a footpath but with the hounds in cry and footpath flooded we had to get around ! 
A female, we assume a foot supporter was heard hollering from the Sedge Copse area so the foot team pressed on. 
By now it was 3pm and they changed horses on Holebrook Lane which gave the Landy time to come round to collect the foot sabs who had by now made it to Smetherd Farm.

With their fresh horses the hunt headed east over to Blackrow Farm but the landy was there to see the hounds on a line heading from Chickmead towards the A3030 which was very busy now. Thankfully the whipper in done the right thing and the hounds were turned towards Brickles Wood leaving this fox to see another day.

Heading East back in towards the Higher Hydes area the hounds were speaking again and the landy and monitors headed down to Kings Stag to head them off. A foot team went in at the sewage works and as they made their way along the footpath the huntsman was calling up by Ridge Farm. By now there were only 9 riders left – we think they even got bored of hanging around busy junctions waiting for the hounds to find the miraculous trail. After a good search around Ridge Farm the huntsman gave up for the day and took the hounds back to Hydes Farm where they packed up just before 4.30pm.

Without a doubt between us at least 4 foxes were seen away to safety today and a huge thanks to the monitors we worked with today !

Blackmore & Sparkford Vale Hunt, Caundle Marsh

MEET : Marsh Court, Caundle Marsh
Saturday 9th Feb 2019

This is not going to be a usual HIT report, a fox lost its life today and as expected we feel very angry about this. Instead of writing a long summary of the day there are some other factors we would like to mention instead. We have worked very hard covering the BSV this season and have without a doubt saved many, many foxes. Despite what the BSV hunt supporters think we are not paid – well, only in the form of abuse both physical and verbal. We can only describe today’s events as a seamless day of pre-ban hunting !

Considering the recent equine flu outbreak which has brought a halt to the multi million pound horse racing industry we hoped the local Dorset hunts would do the sensible thing and cancel hunting. Not just because we would get a well needed day off but for the welfare of horses and hounds. There will be horses owners locally who don’t engage in organised crime and may believe by keeping their horses on restriction they would hope to avoid equine flu but the arrogance of one man means that is not the case. The only hunt that didn’t cancel was the BSV, the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt of which Mark Doggrell is Huntsman.

Only the day before there was an update from The Hunting Office, this update states “whilst The Hunting Office is not advising a blanket ban on hunting, Hunts should consider the situation in their locality. Where there are training yards in the area it may be sensible not to hunt this weekend and await the further announcements from the BHA and Veterinary Groups next week which may alter our advice”
The Hunting Office go on to say it is possible for the hounds to become infected with and pass on equine flu.
There are 28 training yards in Dorset and Somerset within a 60 mile radius of the BSV kennels, some are less than ten miles away.

On the 8th Feb Equine Flu was confirmed at Millfield School which is less than 20 miles from the BSV kennels, please see link below.…/equine-flu-case-confirmed-…

Some of the trainers most local to the BSV kennels and to the land they regularly hunt over are :

Paul Nichols based in Ditcheat, Shepton Mallet, 21 miles away

Colin Tizzard based in Milborne Port, Sherbourne, 5 miles away

Mark Gillard based in Holwell, 17 miles away.

Brian Barr based in Longburton, Sherbourne 8.7 miles from kennels and very local to where they hunted.

Bill Turner, based in Corton Denham, Sherbourne. 5 miles away.

Hugo Froud, based in Bruton 9.9 miles

Despite all this Mark Doggrell was the sole huntsman in Dorset who decided to hunt on,  and so they met at Marsh Court in Caundle Marsh. There was a field of around 70 riders and more foot support than usual, some riders and support were having a day out with a different hunt as their usual ones had done the sensible thing and cancelled. This also meant that all the monitors and other sab and animal rights groups that are now operating in Dorset also came to the BSV and it was a mass sab !

The amount of us there didn’t stop them from killing a fox early in the day at Yew Tree Farm just North of the meet. Mark Doggrell was soon off his horse with the poor foxes lifeless body in his hands trying to hide it. Edward Doggrell got off his horse to help and a completely innocent passer by had the door of their vehicle opened with the intention of hiding the foxes body in their vehicle assuming them to be hunt support. These passer by’s were horrified by this and so the body of the fox was rushed over to Font Le Roi to be dealt with, it was here last season that they chased a fox and the Doggrells were very abusive to us when we were filming.

Before this incident we had a female rider holding her hand up to cover her face, we could understand even at that point why she didn’t want to be associated with the hunt and even more so after. We are of the firm belief that if you were hunting with the BSV and continue to do so you are complicit in illegal hunting, the evidence is displayed weekly yet still the decision is made to ride with them – YOUR ARE ALL GUILTY !!! 
From here they headed to Snagharbour wood were a fox was seen away to safety with many sabs spraying the area and the line the fox had taken away from the hunt. With so many support vehicles out the roads were absolute bedlam and passing along them was time consuming to say the least. Over the radio we were able to keep in touch of where the hounds were and this included Haydon Hill Wood, Hanover Wood and Hussen’s Hanging – all of their usual places. We caught up with them next at Lower Buckshaw Farm and things got rather heated with sabs all over the place and the hunt being watched from every angle ! A female sab was assaulted by a woman twice her age and size and this was caught on film.

From here they headed over to the Doggrell residence, and their favourite Broke Wood and Wizard Bridge area. We had a team make the area safe around Folke Church coz we know how Mark likes to hunt through there despite not being allowed ! Another fox was seen to safety in Broke Wood by WAR and after a quick jolly over to Boys Hill the hunt packed up about 4.45pm.

The Doggrells “fun” didn’t end there though and the story continues. Mark Doggrell and two of his eldest sons Edward and Ben went on a night out to Yeovil. Not content with killing a fox and assaulting sabs they decided to start on the bouncers. This was videoed by people at the scene and when the police turned up the Doggrells run off just like they do on hunt days when the police show up coz they are chasing foxes !! It has to be mentioned that having called the police many times in relation to the Doggrells we have never seen them arrive that quickly !! Hopefully the police caught up with them this time and they finally spent a well earned night in the cells !…/yeovil-wetherspoons-spoons…

Ben Doggrell is well known to the police and on Friday June 9th 2017, he pleaded guilty to a charge of ABH and was sentenced to 100 hours of community service and payment of costs/compensation.

On 23rd June 2017 he pleaded guilty to a racially aggravated abuse at the Royal Bath and West Showground on the 3rd June 2017. Ben also admitted being in breach of an 18-month conditional discharge order, which had been imposed at Weymouth Magistrates Court on August 10…/sherborne-man-fined-racial…

Now lets see whether they will finally be brought to justice after breaking the law all day and repeatedly in the last few years

Blackmore & Sparkford Vale, Rose & Crown pub, Longburton

MEET ; Rose & Crown Pub, Longburton
Tuesday 29th Jan 2019…

Leaving the Rose and Crown pub at 11.25 the whole hunt went south on the A352 through the village and down to Bradford Lane. They stood around here for a while holding up lots of traffic including lorries who were clearly just trying to get on with their working lives ! Eventually they crossed over into Manor Farm where the huntsman cast the hounds through the farm and surrounding hedgerows trying to pick up on that elusive trail of theirs !!

We say elusive trail but what we really mean is miraculous trail because a fox popped out and ran towards the farm. Just before the fox appeared Edward “the rural genius” Doggrell had been calling the hounds to “get on it” but it was bad timing on his part because sabs immediately sprayed the area, the hounds didn’t pick up and this fox was seen away to safety. The hunt support followed the hunt away from this area and the landy was close behind them.

The huntsman moved off in a southerly direction across land to Seven Ash Plantation. The hounds were cast through this plantation and at one point the huntsman and hounds came out onto the road, the huntsman cantered up the road back to Seven Ash Plantation. Deer were flushed out from this area which is very dangerous beside any road let alone a very busy A road ! The hunt came back out onto the road and crossed over towards Gordons Gorse and Willen Farm where they spent a short time before coming back out onto the A352.

They didn’t find their miraculous trail in either of these areas but they did manage to find another fox and this time the fox ran straight in front of support including Zelda who was quick to point the fox out to the huntsman. Sabs were again immediately out of the Landy to spray but Edward Doggrell kept telling them to leave. He became so desperate, that he dismounted to confront a female sab and a terrier thug began joining in along with some foot support until Mark Dogrell came along and told him ‘no violence’

The surrounding area was soon well sprayed and as the hounds moved away not on the line of this fox – another fox was seen away to safety ! A few hounds were left behind in this area and caused the usual mayhem on the main road as they went after the rest of the pack !

Continuing East we drove to Boys Hill Farm where one rider was heard saying “towards the river, I think”, before he saw the sabs and off we went to Caundle Brook.

The hunt carried on towards Holwell and a very unhappy lady came out to complain about the hunt crossing her land, she has a small holding including sheep and llamas. This lady had a word with the whipper in who said they were allowed there but she replied that they are not. We had a conversation with her and she told us that they trespass all the time and were a nightmare around the area. If the BSV bothered to lay a trial there would not be any trespassing because the trail layer could stick to land they are allowed on but instead the huntsman allows the hounds to chase foxes wherever they may take him !!

Continuing East the huntsman took the hounds to Holwell Hilll Gorse and this area was thoroughly searched before moving on to Holwell Hill Farm where they searched..then on to Holwell Hill Farm and a quad was observed going in.

It was now almost 2pm and there was a quick change of horses here. The hunt them returned towards Holwell and paid a visit to Broke Wood. Broke Wood is a favourite place of the hunt and not far from the Doggrells residence !! A quad was used to try and block us at the junction of Broke Lane – what have you got to hide ???

A search was then made around woods near Burton Common and unsurprisingly the hounds went into cry briefly. They exited the road at Wizard Bridge and spent a while in the area here, Edward Doggrell blocked the road to stop us getting through and then when he moved aside a quad took over the blocking in shenanigans !! Hounds went into cry a few times in this area but not for long. At around 4.15pm they came back onto Broke Lane counting the hounds and continued on to the Doggrells house marking an end to a very busy day !

So once again Mark Doggrell and the rest of the BSV hunt were illegally hunting foxes. This pub must know that this hunt are illegally hunting and harbouring criminals. Please do feel free to let them know your thoughts on
01963 210202

As ever a huge thanks for the financial support we have so desperately needed this season. If you want to come out and help us please send us a PM or email to

Blackmore & Sparkford Vale Hunt, Cherry Bolberry Farm

The meet today was at Cherry Bolberry Farm and on their website it states “40 yr-old award winning, owner designed and maintained, 1 acre garden planted for yr-round interest with wildlife in mind” 

It beggars belief that they have the audacity to use the words “wildlife in mind” then host an illegal fox hunt that harbours criminals and endorses criminal activity …. organised crime ! Here is a link so you can see for yourself!

We arrived slightly late today because we had to make a repair to our Landy before we left and the bills for our Landy seem to be coming thick and fast at the moment. We found the hunt not long after they had left the meet on a bridleway that runs from Toomer Farm to Copse House. There were about riders out today.

There were lots of supporters out in their vehicles today and they were unnecessarily abusive from the start. Parked up by Copse Farm one particularly annoying and rather over excited sub female was spouting a load of nonsense and filming us – even whilst our driver was trying to clean the back landy windows ! Insistent that we are criminals when all we were trying to do was monitor the hounds and fleeing hares ! We advised her to take a look at our page for the evidence she desired and we hope that she educates herself with our videos and other documentary evidence.

The huntsman brought the hounds over to Caundle Brake and cast them through there. One hound popped out onto the road and almost got hit by a car. Not being able to find their non existent trail in Caundle Brake, Mark “Lugz” Doggrell gathered his hounds and headed East where the hounds were cast through the disused quarry whilst the support vehicles blocked the public highway. 

Next on the huntsman’s agenda was Park Wood and a foot team went in on a footpath at Dairy House. This foot team walked towards Old Barn, there was a lot of horseboxes parked here which was probably an overflow of those that couldn’t park at the actual meet. 
The foot team followed the footpath around the south of Park Wood and positioned themselves on the footpath adjacent to a small copse between Stalbridge Park and Park Wood. From this point the huntsman could be seen casting the hounds along the hedgerows along Park Wood. This monitoring deeply enraged several of the Hunt supporters that were gathered on a tarmac track which for part is also a footpath. The foot team of three were approached by four males, one of whom wrongly accused them of not being on a public footpath. All our foot sabs carry a current, digital, GPS OS map – they knew exactly where they were !! One of the male hunt supporters focused his attention onto a female who repeatedly insisted she should take a single step backwards to meet his petty, unjustifiable demands. The female Sab, still on the footpath was focused on filming the hounds in the distance as it was once again clear there was no trail laid today. The male supporter then repeatedly pushed, shoved and forcefully barged the female every time she moved to get a better view of the hounds. He continued with this violent and aggressive behaviour each time she tried to take a single step forwards. During this time three other male supporters joined in the barrage of unruly behaviour. These four individuals then followed the foot team threatening and trying to intimidate them for the next fifteen minutes. During this abusive incident there were many other hunt supporters witnessing what was happening who did nothing. The hounds went into cry briefly in the south eastern corner of Park Wood taking them in the direction of Dairy House. This line was lost and they headed south to Sturt Coppice. The police were called and we were told they would attend.

The hounds were cast through Sturt Coppice and Holtham Plantation and the line of a fox was picked up taking them south. The hounds popped out on Waterloo Lane by Waterloo Farm and there was no huntsman observed although the whip cantered down the road beside them towards the A3030. 
A foot team went in on footpath leading south east from Warr Bridge where the huntsman was observed drawing the hedgerows. This fox was lost probably because he swam across Caundle Brook. It was a good job for the hunt that this fox escaped because by now the police had arrived and were reviewing footage of the earlier incident. You would have thought that a hunt as blatant as the BSV would avoid a police presence at all costs but then they get the thugs out, attracting police attention.

From here the hunt headed North and went to try their luck in New Lease Wood with a foot team hot on their tails. As the foot team walked through the gate Zelda ( still sucking on a lemon ) tried to shut the gate on the sabs. One sab held the gate whilst the other sabs got through safely to the tune of Zelda calling us morons and telling us to go home and play on our Nintendo’s.

After searching this wood under the watchful eye of the foot team the hunt moved towards Haddon Lodge. A second foot team went in at Clayhanger and the hounds were heard in cry heading back towards the foot team at Haddon Lodge. About five minutes later the hounds were no longer in cry and crossed the road between Clayhanger and Haddon Lodge where the huntsman took them west towards Wood House Covert and this was the end of the day.

We had a top team of sabs out today, originating from four different countries. Our multicultural team were united in one common aim: to monitor the law-breaking and wildlife persecution of hunt culture. It was an embarrassment to show visitors to our country what a minority do to wild animals in the name of twisted, cruel ‘sport’ in England.

Also out with the BSV hunt today in the role of terrier boy was the bearded psycho who has recently been questioned by the police about an incident when he stole a camcorder from a female sab. This case is currently being reviewed and we will update you when we have an update and also in relation to todays incident.

As ever if you want to join us please send us a PM or email us at

If you can help us out with a few quid towards our landy bills that would be awesome !

Blackmore & Sparkford Vale Hunt, Hintock View

MEET : Hintock View, Chetnole Road, Leigh
Thursday 24th Jan 2019

Leaving the meet around 11.30am the huntsman took the hounds to Spring Copse and this area was thoroughly searched for the trail that one again was clearly not laid ! There were more foot support than riders today with a field of 26 riders and most of the support were parked on Back Drove. After lots and lots of searching the hounds finally picked up and the line took them south west to The Knoll. A foot team went in down Calfhay Lane and observed the hounds heading back to Spring Copse. Clearly the trail layer this morning got confused and ran back and forth rather than in a safe line that the whole hunt could follow !!

A foot team went in by Black Barn and observed the hounds back in cry and heading South. With only one foot team we lost sight and sound on the hounds for a short time as the team headed back to the landy. Once back in the landy we made good speed round to Wriggle River Lane where we caught back up with the hunt. The field were waiting in the road by Cockeram’s Plantation and three of the riders were relieving themselves in a gateway right beside the road not even trying to save their grace ! By now it was after 1.30pm and the huntsman was on foot in a field beside Brookfield Farm trying to help the hounds pick up. Considering this we feel that the fox they picked up on from Spring Copse made it away safely but we cannot be sure of this.

Mark “Lugz” Doggrell eventually gathered his hounds and headed east to Cockeram’s Plantation. After drawing along and in Cockeram’s Plantation they headed south. We picked them up as the hounds were cast through a copse north of great head. A foot sab went to get a better view and a fox slipped across the road in front of her. Tony Smart, a hunt supporter saw the fox and told the hunt. This area was drenched in citronella and the huntsman took the hounds over the road and in the area the fox headed and it was not long until they picked up on the scent of this fox and were in cry. We should point out here how coincidental it is that the trail layer was in the same area and had taken the same route …. in fact we could call that a miracle ??

As the field crosse the road behind the hounds Edward Doggrells friend thought it would be acceptable to steal a hat from a sabs head – this will be reported to the police because it is theft ! Despite this the foot team went in and it wasn’t long before the hounds had lost the scent of this fox and the field gathered at the top of Batcombe Down whilst Lugz cast the hounds through the hillside trying to pick it back up. Not finding the line they retreated and crossed the road and headed north once again drawing the various little corpses west of Church Farm. Not finding the trail here they moved east and went to West Wood. It was around now we bumped into the wonderful monitor we work with and were extremely grateful to see him.

At the beginning of December when they were here they picked up on the line of a fox that took them through hedgerows and across the road in this exact location.

We observed from the road and could see Edward “the rural genius” Doggrell and his thieving friend on point on the southern edge of the wood whilst the field were waiting around on the other corner. A thorough search was made of West Wood and the hunt then headed towards Hilfield. The hounds picked up on a line of a fox and the Landy headed round to Hilfield Hill to head them off. The huntsman appeared with the Whipper In in tow and Edward with no hounds and they headed north west on the bridleway leading to Great Head where the fox was observed earlier. It was clear that the huntsman had lost his hounds and this happened last time he hunted here. I think it is safe to say no one knows what happened because there was no one in control of the hounds for this duration and we had no eyes on the hounds as they rampaged through The Friary and headed up to Hendover Coppice. Hendover Coppice is owned by Dorset Wildlife Trust and they would not approve of the hounds being on there let alone totally out of control ! By now it was about 4pm and the huntsman spent some time gathering his pack before heading home !

Please feel free to let DWT know the BSV were rampaging on their land !

If you want to join us its not too late, its never too late, please send us a PM or email for more info.

If you can spare a few quid for our Go Fund Me we really appreciate it – the Landy is costing us a fortune this season and we may soon have to consider replacing the old girl !

Blackmore & Sparkford Vale Hunt, Hedge Farm, Pylle

HIT REPORT : BSV joint meet with the Mendip Farmers 
MEET : Hedge Farm, Pylle
Tuesday 22nd Jan 2019

Today the BSV had a joint meet with the Mendip Farmers and despite being a joint meet there were the lowest number of riders we have seen this season. Usually the BSV field is between 60 and 100 strong but today just 22 riders plus the red coats. Maybe our little bird that tipped us off that the meet had been changed forgot to tell the field ??

After leaving the meet the hunt headed south and we caught up with them as the hounds searched hedgerows around Shepard Pit Plantation. It was a pleasure, as always, to see Edward “the rural genius” Doggrell out and he was on road Shepherd Pit Plantation.

From Pylle Lane we maintained a visual for the most part as the hounds were taken south to Writh Farm. We drove round to the triangular junction south of Foxhole Gully to find utter bedlam on the road. Hunt support were scattered along the verges, riders on the road and the hounds almost spilling onto the A37. Traffic was slowed down and one member of the public was beeping his horn and didn’t seem too pleased to be held up.

The hounds were taken west towards Little Pennard Farm where a search was made of the area. They exited this area onto the road south of Little Pennard Farm then traveled on the road west through little pennard and east Pennard and up into pennard hill farm.

The hunt continued west exiting onto stickleball Lane where the hounds were cast through woodland at side of road with foot support scattered at roadside and in the fields. From here they headed north on the road to the A361 . The hunt and hounds crossed the A361 and headed north on a track by Steanbow Bridge.

Due to the terrain visibility was difficult at times and at this point we lost track of them for a short time. Quads were parked on Chessell Lane and the hunt came out from North Wotton on the road and headed west down Mead Lane (track).

Just after 3.30pm as we turned right off Barrow Lane the hounds came flying across the field beside the Landy in full cry. Sabs were immediately out of the Landy, rating the hounds and spraying the area to cover the foxes scent. Sabs stayed with the hounds round to Hobhouse Farm to ensure this fox was seen away to safety.

The hunt then headed back to Mead Lane (track) where they headed in a southwest direction. 
We kept them in our sights as best we could and eventually they all gathered by a farm on Pennard Lane and we could see them clearly from Stockbridge Lane. From here they went their separate ways, some of the field headed west and the huntsman, hounds and about seven riders, four of whom were leading now riderless horses, headed East down a track to Pennard Lane. By now it was just after 4.30pm and we were happy to be heading home having saved at least one fox !

If you want to join us please send us a PM or email to

If you can spare a few quid to help with our Landy bill we will be most grateful.