Badger Cull

So as the cull is coming to a close we are still out round the clock checking on setts and looking for rubbish. We are incredibly tired and worn out – despite what the dark side tell you all our sabs do actually work ! We haven’t had anywhere near the amount of help we would have liked or needed but it’s quality not quantity right ???
We are going from low to high to low to high …. finding HUGE setts that are now inactive, finding those god awful traps and calling the pixies in, finding setts that are thriving and revisiting murder sites repeatedly to find they have been neutralised for the remainder of the cull. Our badger work will continue all year through but we are having to turn our attention to the fox hunting season which is in full swing !!
If you can spare a few hours and wanna help sett survey areas please, please get in touch. The south zone is only in its 2nd year and twice the size of most other zones. The north zone is in its 4th year but we are still very much needed ! If you like walking and have a few hours to spare get in touch – there’s lots of work to do after the cull which will really help us next year.
If you been thinking about helping our foxes now is the time to get in touch !!
Together we can make a difference….

To keep us going you can buy us a coffee! Pixies need their beans!

be part of that difference 🦊