Blackmore & Sparkford Vale Hunt – Nyland Farm

Saturday 3rd November 2018 
BSV Meeting at Nyland Farm

Nyland Farm is owned by Graham Hinks who supplies meat for The Dorset Meat Company.

We decided to pay the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt a visit today, unsurprisingly they are still full on hunting …. well they would have been had we not turned up. Their terrier boys and foot support have sunk to an all time low though and have taken to assaulting sabs from behind.

The hunt set off from the meet just after 11.30am and headed in the direction of the Nyland Withy bed, the hounds soon picked up and marked a fox to ground in a hedgerow. With sabs watching from each side the hounds were soon gathered up and continued in the direction of the withy bed. Now, we know that foxes are fed in this area and it is regularly checked and the meat left for them is removed. The police were called, and as we were at this time in Dorset, we were told that they would send a car out. Hounds picked up again in the southerly corner of the withy bed and the huntsman brought them along  and followed the river North with the hounds searching the bank as he went. Since they had marked to ground the foot team currently out were having to deal with Edward Doggrell who was using his horse as a weapon by attempting to block sabs from filming and blocking footpaths. Edward informs us that we are not allowed to stand still on a footpath and we must keep moving. He is just a younger version of his dad really with regard to speaking utter rubbish and using his horse as a weapon, that rotten apple really didn’t fall far from the tree. Undeterred, foot sabs pressed on keeping the hounds in sight and deploying the gizmo at one point.

The hounds were taken North towards Pelsham Farm and another foot team was deployed from Gigg Lane . There was a rather angry farmer at Pelsham Farm who was rather irate that sabs used the gizmo because the hounds had yet again picked up on a fox. Both foot teams then headed back to the vehicle and were taken down West in the direction of Moormill Bridge where some of the usual knuckle dragging support had gathered. With our second vehicle keeping an eye from Abbey Ford Bridge we were able to keep track of the hunt as they moved along Gigg Lane,  combing the hedgerows on the way.

We headed round to Common Lane where we bumped into Peter Brooks who was earlier this year found guilty of assault by beating following an attack on Sab. He now has a criminal record and he spent some time filming our vehicle. A terrier man came past and shouted “ Ahh look at my lovely puppies”, he had three terriers in little boxes on his quad, “you wanna stroke the little puppies … well you can’t so fuck off” …. it did make us laugh at how deranged he was and we wish we had it on film.  Not being close enough to the hounds we back-tracked and headed to Park Lane. We found them trampling all across the Gartell Light Railway which is currently closed and we believe a location they are not allowed to enter. After gaining some footage we continued along Park Lane. Thuggish foot support had gathered like a stagnant puddle at Broadmead Lane track, so a foot team were deployed in the direction of Bow Brook, where they soon came across riders and yet more hunt thugs. After the usual abuse Sabs continued along the footpath. We were threatened by one of the hunt thugs who screamed at us that loitering on a footpath was illegal and we had to keep moving – which was exactly what we were doing had they not stopped us to give us grief.

By the time sabs had all got back to the vehicle the huntsman had headed to Inwood desperate for a kill, sabs were soon on the scene and used the horn several times when the hounds went into cry. Before long Mark gathered the hounds at around 4.30pm. We know we saved 2 foxes today … maybe more