About Us

We are a collective of activists, many of whom are active in various leftfield political scenes. We support campaigns who aim to bring about animal and human liberation and those who fight to protect the environment. We have an understanding of the law and how it works. Some of us have legal training, and we have access to trusted solicitors to provide us with advice.

We believe we are living in an ever more repressive society as governments continue to attempt to squash human and animal freedoms, and place us under ever more draconian rule. It is our aim to educate people to just what their rights are and how to use them to their full effect so that the protest movement in the United Kingdom is kept alive.

freebeagles will endeavour to answer any questions put to us, and if able to do legal workshops for groups, we will. However, please respect the fact that we are all active in various campaigns and we are all volunteers. This means that there may be delays before we are able to reply to questions. In recent years, since freebeagles first began, various other organisations have been set up, which you can find out more about on our “links” page.