September 22. A vision of hope for Milborne Port?

Milborne Port Climate and Nature Action group

What’s your vision?

Vision. Apparently it works. You get what you wish for. The images you have in your head you work to achieve. At the moment the pictures in our heads are understandably full of the start of carbon hell. So, instead, what can our imaginations conjure up for the alternative, the life after fossil fuels? Here’s what I enjoy imagining about life in Milborne Port…

Life is exciting! We’re all enjoying better health and new and sustainable jobs because our homes, streets and workplaces are no longer polluted from the burning of fossil fuels. It’s not just safe but fun for all ages to walk and cycle about now electric bikes and cargo-bikes have replaced so many cars and vans. Local businesses are thriving too because the streets are no longer choked with cars and people are milling around instead. Everything smells fresh and clean. The sky is unpolluted and clear blue. Bird song travels further without the noise of engines.  All of this has given us a greater sense of community as there’s more to enjoy on our doorstep.

Our streets are lined with trees to absorb carbon and we’ve got rid of unnecessary hard-standing all of which helps keep us cool in heatwaves and softens the impact of heavy rainstorms. Our homes are well-insulated too so our bills are lower and we’re more comfortable in the winter and better able to keep cool in summer. And of course, the great beauty of renewable energy is that it is not only endlessly renewable but also much cheaper than fossil fuels. Plus there is better and cheaper/ free public transport and easy to use e-bike and car pools and car shares. So, all in all, the cost of living is down and there is less inequality in the village.

As a nation we have been eating less (carbon-intensive) red meat. The added benefit has been to free up pasture land for environmental land management and landscape recovery, with funding from the Government. It’s fantastic being able to enjoy having wildlife-rich landscapes / Green Parks near us in Milborne Port and also wildlife corridors along river floodplains (which also help as firebreaks and flood alleviation sponges). Our rivers and coast are clean too. They are no longer polluted with raw sewage at times of high rainfall.

But best of all perhaps, is the relief of all those crises being behind us and the future again being something for us to look forward to eagerly for ourselves, our children and grandchildren.

Choice The only other choice is to carry on to almost unimaginable carbon hell. It will impact everything and everyone. Everything we have we will lose; nothing that we need or enjoy will survive; the level of  the impacts already happening show us the risks – to our health from extreme heat, from pandemics, diseases and pathogens travelling north; to food shortages and hunger as crops fail in more and more extreme and lengthy droughts and heatwaves; disruption of travel and the supply of food and goods due to power outages from storms, dried up rivers, landslips, washed away roads and railways; more  and more extreme wildfires and flash floods threatening our livelihoods and homes; threats to global security with fossil fuel-funded wars.

Let’s be very clear: doing nothing is not an available option; carrying on as we have been whilst keeping what we have and remaining safe is not an option. The choice we have is only between a low-carbon heaven or climate hell.  And there’s huge urgency involved.

Plan So, what is the plan? What, collectively, do we need to do to make a positive future a reality and avoid climate hell? Here are four important things. Insulate our homes; stop investing in unsafe and polluting fossil fuels and switch to clean renewable electricity; promote and support low carbon and active travel (walking and cycling), buses and trains and avoid flying; and eat less red meat.

Action Think about how great what we can get will be! So, here’s an action to take. Have a conversation with your family or friends about how you envisage your low-carbon future. See how positive you feel afterwards!

(If you’d like to watch the 4-minute video here’s the link:

Remember that solving climate change solves almost everything else.

What’s your vision?

The young people’s movement,

Friday 23 September

See their web-site for details or email us below.

“Green” Drinks Tuesday September 13th 7.30pm Tippling Philosopher     All welcome.

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