
The Green Zone project was funded by the Groundwork North West ‘Great Estates’ fund (£40,000), with a match-funding contribution (£40,000) from City South Manchester Housing Trust; the match funding was a condition of the Great Estates funding.

We sourced additional funding, including money from other regeneration funds secured by the City South regeneration team, and from other funding bids that were put in over the duration of the project. Although Green zone staff could have submitted further funding bids, this wouldn’t be sustainable in the long run. Instead, we hoped to up-skill residents so they could put in funding bids themselves. We worked together with members ‘Greening the Redbricks’ to submit a bid to Manchester City Council’s cash grants fund. This was successful and £2000 was granted to purchase more planters and plants for the estate.

We also helped residents to submit a bid to the Groundwork & Big Lottery ‘Community Spaces’ fund which had to be a community-led bid. £40,000 was applied for green space improvements involving community arts. It was successful in the first round and, as we come to finish the Green Zone year, the group are meeting their facilitator to work on stage 2.

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