Here are our 100 most recently active blogs. Click through and see what’s happening.
Prejudice Me
DIY benefit record label and distrorrraksamam
omnes spes demortae suntUnder The Pavement
Every Other Thursday 9.00pm-11.00pm on ALL FM 96.9Paul Cudenec
Fareshares food co-op
Not a shop. An experiment in Community! An all-volunteer project.Hathersage Court TRA
News and updates from the Hathersage Court Estate, London𝕮𝖞𝖕𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖈𝖔𝖓 20XX
Cogitations of a Fractured PsycheTransHormones
BASE Social Centre
Base for Anarchy & Solidarity in Eastonnetwork23
a network for free sitesMyths of Capitalism
“The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything, except what is worth knowing.”Decentering Biology
Against genetics and its world -- Contre la génétique et son monde -- Contra la genética y su mundoccsmovimento
Oliver Cauã Cauê
🚇 Geógrafo e mestre em Planejamento.Durham Free Software Skill-Share
computers by us, for usbikeactiondaysleipzig
“Smiter of the High and Mighty”Todmorden Makery
a community workshop for making, repairing, learning and connectingCritical Mass London
Last Friday of every month, South Bank under Waterloo Bridge 7.00pmAnarres Housing Co-op
Popular Education
resources on popular educationBetter Off Undetected
Anarchists in Hackney, LondonKingston University London Dissenter's Blog
A blog that highlights aggressive management at Kingston and other UK universitiesTHE OBSCENE TURTLE
- Anarchist - Industrial Unionist - Working-Class Chauvinist - Autonomous Socialist - General Twat -Manchester & Salford Anarchist Bookfair 2024
Saturday 2nd November, 10am until 4pm at People's History MuseumMilborne Port Climate and Nature Action
Fighting climate change by embracing natureAdvisory Service for Squatters
Legal & practical advice for squatters and other homeless peopleAPROCAV - Alianza Proderechos Castellón, Alicante y Valencia
Alianza de trabajadoras sexuales y aliadesNot In My Name
Anti-Zionist JewThe Watchman
Astrologia Robynoro
Orizzonti più vasti - ASTRO * GEO * WEB * Dev * GRAFICAStaffordshire Mutual Aid Alliance
staffordshiremutualaid@protonmail.comGeneration 2025
The Bookshelf
A popup library
UK direct action newsheet - Issue 862 - Friday 2nd August 2024takealook
Just another Network 23 sitemetlapil
piedra para moliendakonstrukce
constructions and reconstructionsorcas and animals
Exploring anarchism and veganismNebully
Exposing a workplace bullying company called OneNebula (Pty) LtdMachineWorks
The UK Left Organisation Cheat Sheet
Just another Network 23 siteRed Black Green
3M Game Making
resources and blog posts about a project based approach to game making for learningtheb
Antifascist Research Collective
Artist, Activist, DJ, Non Binary Trans woman , all comments are moderated, mainly due to transphobic hate comments, the terfs and transphobia can cry into the abyssARspycatcher
Animal rights has been infiltrated by police/corporate spies and informants. Find out the truth about what really happenedThree Counties Hunt Sabs
Protecting wildlife in Worcestershire, Gloucestershire & Herefordshire & working in solidarity with campaigns across the UKNorth Wales Hunt Sabs
Just another Network 23 siteNo Noon Break
London Anti-Fascist Assembly
LONDON IS ANTI-FASCISTjustanotherinternetblog
linux!!Bristol Antifascists
news and information on the fight against fascism and the far-right in Bristol and beyond+0NkA80P$
[:en]text and pictures[:es]textos y fotos[:]vatsapralamba
Hackney Anarchist Group
sounding the ALARM in HackneyBABKO
Biegła-Antyinwigilacyjna-Broń-{dla}-Każdej-OsobyRenovables sí, pero así, no
Defensa de La Bureba, Valle de Oca, Juarros y Sierra de la DemandaBriviesca Sostenible
Por BriviescaGhostbikes in Dresden
Geisterräder zur Errinnerung an im Verkehr getötete und verletzte Radfahrer*innenMartina
HistoriasAnarchist Action Network
The Redbricks – the Bentley House estate in Hulme, Manchester, England, Europe, EarthSCREW THIS
Travelling infoshop, for all your insurgent needs!Bir Şey'in Anıları
erkekler, cinsellik, fanteziler, ahlak, toplumsal cinsiyet falanRadical De-Education
Just another Network 23 siteGrandparents for a Safe Earth UK
Campaigning against Climate breakdownBlackFlagResistance
Just another Network 23 siteManchester Antifascist Action (MAFA)
Just another Network 23 sitemfalmewamatiti
Mind your own damn businesskkpahimam
hiBlogs Without Organs
London Anarchist Black Cross
a prison demolitionist groupNothing is Permanent
Resistance, Rebel, Rewildideario
Ideas en cascadaSolidaridad
y ayuda mutua. Sitio Network23.orgradiation
Just another Network 23 site / pointing out insanity you would've noticed if you'd thought about itResist London
Just another Network 23 sitecaracol
Just another Network 23 sitePO KIEGO CI DOBRY EMAIL
blog blogowatyRiot-TRRR! Bristol
Just another Network 23 siteblack block volos
Just another Network 23 sitesispirosianarhikonmagnisias
Just another Network 23 sitedcpmonitor
Just another Network 23 sitenorobota
Ciencia Ficción y Tecno-criticidadesThe SAR Monitor
Highlighting the corruption, bullying and dangerous activity by Surrey Search and Rescue and Lowland RescueLeeds Anti Raids Action
A community group fighting against immigration raids in our city.Colectivo Garabucha
Colectivo GarabuchaWest Midlands Hunt Saboteurs
Plastic free Milborne Port
Fighting plastic pollutionKraakspreekuur Rotterdam
Village Retreat
Just another Network 23 siteAnarchic News
Independent News from around the WorldNo Rent No Evictions
Just another Network 23 site