What worked well

“When we first started thinking about Green Zone, there were things like the transformation of Hulme Street that we thought were pie in the sky. Although it hasn’t yet happened, I feel like that would be an amazing transformation. Had it not been for the Green Zone workers those meetings would have not have happened”. Cath, resident

The project has met most of its aims, and logged a number of achievements including:

  • A successful Stage-1 resident-led bid to the Groundwork / Big Lottery ‘Community Spaces’ fund
  •  Approval to pedestrianise Hulme Street
  •  Installation of play equipment on Leaf Street site chosen by the residents
  •  Creation of a ‘green screen’ between the estate and the Mancunian Way
  •  Creation of wildflower areas
  •  A permaculture redesign of Leaf Street in partnership with residents and Hulme Community Garden centre (HCGC).
  •  A planting plan for Letsby Avenue
  •  Running a variety of successful trainings
  •  Two ‘community development skills’ sessions were held
  •  We encouraged and supported an application by Greening the Redbricks for support for two years by being a demonstration project for the Federation for Community Development Learning
  •  A busy ‘office warming’ event was held for the newly refurbished Tenants and Residents Association office
  •  We supported a freelance worker to carry out a composting project
  •  Creating and updating of the Redbricks community website
  •  The purchase of many community items
  •  Increased communication between all the different stakeholders involved on the estate
  •  A DVD with residents showing the specific horticultural workshops that have taken place, and illustrating specific and useful skills.
  •  A project on sustainability and carbon reduction has been funded
  •  “Creating a sense of value about where ‘we’ live” resident survey response
  • An ongoing project on bikes and cycling has been funded, providing cycle confidence training and bike maintenance lessons and assistance
  •  A large celebration event was held, in partnership with Adult Learners week
  •  Hulme Community Garden Centre held a number of guided gardening sessions

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