Restoring White Noise





Freedom is not everywhere. It seems we are limited, in our communication, to those to whom we are expected to speak, to those to whom we are expect to listen.



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You probably already know that the static you see, or used to see, on your television, is the result of radiation from space bombarding the earth.

As is the static that you hear, or used to hear, on the radio.

You might also know that every keystroke you type creates similar radiation: a wave that started with you and will never end.

What do they say? That sixty light years away is the edge of a tide, centered on planet earth? And twenty or thirty light years beyond that, another, less bright perhaps?*

But no less informative.

Because there is actually no as small bandwidth–only small perspective. Communication doesn’t happen in the channel: the “channel” is just where we look. Every bit of information is a chord, infinitely broad, with with no vacuum–just more, or less, space.





Four of these pictures are of Andromeda Galaxy, the closest neighboring galaxy, 2.5 million light years away.

One is the first picture of it ever taken, which I think is fitting.



*Carl Sagan would say “perhaps”. So I am too. Because I idolize him. Reasonably.




PS: I am not ready for it to be this warm yet. Not in March especially. Please make it cold again.


just in case you were wondering where I got the name!

shoutout to author of this quote: “i always knew i needed to listen i just didn’t know why”

and NASA