Thought Of The Day: Worker Intellectuals

If we become our own intellectuals (worker intellectuals) we weaponise our knowledge, and if we also become people of action, then we put that weapon to use. Worker intellectuals break down reactionary concepts, such as idealism. In breaking down idealism we counter it, by exposing its reactionary nature. It is reactionary because it creates a separation between us, the workers, and those who ‘do the thinking’. We do not need people to think for us, we are fully capable of thinking for ourselves. We should develop this thinking through self and mutual-education. We are also fully capable of putting our ideas and thoughts into action. Anyone who stands in our way should feel the hammer blow.

Thought Of The Day: We Need Actual Activists!

Sometimes I think that people just like the idea of being called “socialists”, “communists”, “anarchists” and whatever else they like to call themselves. This is because it makes them feel like they are part of some fictitious movement (I call it a “fictitious movement” because it is a scene rather than a movement) rather than sticking their necks out and putting some hard graft in. They like the idea of being “socialists”, “communists”, “anarchists” and whatever else, but do not like putting what they claim to be into practice. I can only assume because this involves actual work, discipline and dedication.

Thought Of The Day: Anti-Fascism 2

Anti-fascism and anti-fascist actions are not ends in themselves, rather they are a means to an ultimately political end. Of course there are those who simply do not like fascism and fascists, for “apolitical” reasons. That is fine, those people should be welcomed with a view to nurturing them further into the political arena.