Category Archives: Gonzo
ACC say “NEIN” to the N.F.
Aberdeen City Council has rejected the Scottish NATIONAL Fronts application to have a Jackbooted, hand in hand, romantic evening stroll from The Adelphi to Union Terrace Gardens to protest against the SNP setting up their right-wing political party on Hitler’s Birthday … Continue reading
Ohhh, I do like to be beside the seaside….
Q: What the best way to annoy approximately 700 Scottish trade unionists, unemployed folk, students, anarchists, communists and leftist agitators? A: Have the Scottish Conservative Party [TorySkum.Ltd.] annual party conference in Troon. Q: What the best way to REALLY annoy … Continue reading
The Dirty Hoof…
Most regular readers of the Hoof probably think that the slave trade was abolished in 1833 when it became unprofitable for our corporate handlers. Why bother trudging all the way to Africa? It was far cheaper using the new urban … Continue reading