Britain First stopped in Rochester

Reposted from London Antifascists


A great day for antifascists as Britain First were stopped in their tracks.

Police were nowhere to be seen as they let the visiting band of fascists move off from the train station and attempt to charge through the group of antifascists blocking the road. However, they were stopped in their tracks by militant antifascists that were more than a match for the plastic patriots. Paul Golding later bragged that they would have moved through the antifascists like a ‘knife through butter’ if the police weren’t ‘sabotaging’ their march. Well Paul, you had your chance and you failed. Maybe next time you might want to lead from the front rather than cowering behind your security? The police then took control of the fascist march, forcing through the lines of antifascists before it was finally blocked at the high-street and turned back.

This is just the latest in a string of defeats for the toothless Britain First that has seen its activists chased from the streets across the country. After being turned back from marching twice in Rochester it must be dawning on their leader that facebook likes do not translate into a street movement.

Paul Golding has promised more action after this latest defeat, we think he should learn his lesson and stay at home next time.

ITN Video:

See you on the streets!

London Anti-Fascists

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