
There have been widespread reports of increased xenophobic attitudes, abuse and hate crimes in the aftermath of the European Referendum results. The racism and xenophobia that runs through our society have been thrust out into the open. The apparent post referendum increase in racist attacks and more open expression of anti immigrant sentiments has been a long time coming.
Anti-migrant rhetoric has dominated newspaper headlines for years and is fuelled by politicians and the racist border policies of fortress Europe. There are so many disillusioned, angry people, impoverished and left for dead by mainstream politics, who seem ready to point their anger in the wrong direction.
The divisive referendum was a gift to far right extremists and a big confidence boost to racist bigots and fascists everywhere. It was also never a choice of our making, but one between one set of bosses or another.

The problem is not the result of the referendum but the underlying everyday racism and xenophobia that it has encouraged and made so visible. If the vote had gone the other way we would have seen the same upsurge in racist attacks and violence. The only difference would be less triumphant and more angry, vengeful perpetrators of such attacks.
It’s going to take more than wearing safety pins or similar gesture politics to effectively defeat racism and fascism.
Antifascists have been fighting these racist, anti working class ideologies for many years. We believe solutions lie not in parliamentary politics but in our own streets and communities.


Immigrants have always been blamed for the problems created by politicians and the rich. Sadly, many people accept the endless misinformation and lies, allowing themselves to be duped, manipulated and divided. Immigrants are easy targets and scapegoats for misdirected anger. Here’s a few answers to some common myths used to attack them:

“Immigration is out of control”
The U.K. Border regime is one of the toughest in the world. Over recent years border controls have been been massively increased and racist immigration and asylum policies have meant misery for thousands of people. It’s no surprise that In reality, the vast majority of refugees and asylum seekers head for countries other than the UK and poorer countries nearer their countries of origin. Media hysteria about being “invaded” bears no relation to the reality of our closed borders. But ever tighter border controls and stricter policies do not stop people trying to find a better life. More secure borders result in people taking more dangerous and life threatening ways to attempt to cross them, and many people are killed by trains, lorries or drowning.

A terrified child clings to a rock on the shore as a group of Syrian refugees arrive on the island after travelling by inflatable raft from Turkey. The Eastern Mediterranean route from Turkey to Greece has overtaken the central Mediterranean route, from North Africa to Italy, as the primary one for arrivals by sea. From January to June this year, 68,000 people arrived in Greece, compared with 67,500 in Italy, accounting for nearly all the arrivals in the period.

“They take our jobs and benefits!”
It has repeatedly been shown that migrants’ contributions to the UK far outweigh benefits claimed.  Asylum seekers are not allowed to work and immigrants ultimately end up in low paid jobs instead of claiming benefits. They are the worst exploited of our class. It is not migrants that are slashing public services and mounting attacks on worker’s pay and conditions but the government and bosses waging a relentless class war on us all.

“They take our houses!”
Migrants are not responsible for a chronic shortage in social housing, massive rent increases and gentrification. Our housing problems have a lot more to do with a market driven, not by tenant’s needs, but by the needs of property developers and greedy landlords. Migrants and refugees are more likely to end up in overcrowded and intolerable living conditions or homelessness than most of us.

“The U.K. is seen as a “soft touch” and a destination of choice for immigrants”
Thousands of the migrants arriving in the EU are refugees fleeing war and persecution. They have had to leave their homes, their families and everything they have known. Many have suffered unimaginable horrors and atrocities. We cannot blame people for trying to find safety and a better life. Yet when they arrive they are treated as criminals and less than human. The reality of life in UK for refugees and immigrants is anything but an easy option.

Concept of security. Silhouette of refugee men and metal fence with barbed wire on the background of night sky