Remembering means fighting

It’s hard to know how and where to start to give enough of a tribute to our fallen comrade, Anna. She was killed by the Turkish army and their ISIS allies. while fighting with the Kurdish Women’s Protection forces (YPJ) to defend Afrin. She was an absolutely incredible woman, a true friend to so many of us, a solid comrade and an inspiration to us all.
Anna wasn’t afraid to talk to anyone and one of her strengths was making sure everyone around her was okay and cared for. She was an antifascist, an anarchist, a feminist, a fighter and so much more. We met Anna in lots of different places, including Calais, supporting the migrant struggle on the border between France and the UK. We met her in the fields as a hunt saboteur, fighting alongside others to stop the brutal killing of wild animals. We met her at every eviction resistance in our city. We met her organising in the prison abolition struggle, fighting to free all prisoners. But our lives came together in the fight against fascism. Whether on the streets of Brighton, Dover or Bristol we all stood side by side with Anna to actively fight against the rise of the far right.
With her unbreakable commitment to the struggle for a better world she dedicated her life to groups fighting for revolutionary change. She lived in the thick of it all and as devastating as the news of her death is, it comes as no surprise for us that in the thick of it all is where she died.
We are very proud to have worked, organised and fought alongside such a powerful woman and we will carry on the fight that she lived and breathed. Her motivation to work tirelessly for total change, her passion for freedom, her determination to stand up for what is right, her courage to face death for her principles, hopes and dreams will strengthen our motivation to carry on the struggle.
We remember Anna and all those who have fought so hard and lost their lives making a stand for a better world. We will turn our grief and tears into action and it is in our demonstrations and actions that Anna will live on.
Remember Anna and carry on fighting!
Rest In Power, Anna!


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