Stop the EDL in Bournemouth

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Oppose the racist English Defence League in Bournemouth on 23rd August!


Once again this bizarre right-wing cult threatens one of the most peaceful and diverse communities in the south. Their proposed ‘Bournemouth against the Islamification of Britain’ march is a crude provocation to a section of the population that has been here since before most of them were born. They want to come and cause disharmony within our welcoming multicultural town and we will be there to “Say NO” to their unwelcome and unwanted racism.

A broad-based coalition, ‘We are Bournemouth’ comprising unions, community organizations, traders and individuals from all walks of life has called for a massive, inclusive, family-friendly counter demonstration against racism and fascism.

Local antifascist groups such as BHstopEDL, StopEDL Bournemouth and of course the Anti Fascist Network will also be out and about on the day, something for everyone. Bournemouth EDL are expecting their fascist mates to come from all over, so we call on antifascists from across the south to join us on the day.

Watch this space for more details. In the meantime, get your friends together and sort out your transport. See you on the streets!

not on our manor


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