Stop the fascists in Bristol – Saturday 17th October

*Stop the fascists in Bristol – Saturday 17th October – spread the word and be ready to mobilise!*

On Saturday 17th October Bristol’s resident fascists, the ‘Bristol United Patriots,’ claim to be holding a demo in the city.

Despite their attempts to disgise this as a demo to raise awareness about homelessness, Ed Dowden along with other organisers of Bristol United Patriots have already made their intentions clear as to why they are protesting. Their real intentions are to inflame anti immigrant anger, promote extreme right wing views and to attack ‘the lefties’.

We cannot let them take the streets and allow them the opportunity to attack and divide our communities. Bristol Antifascists along with other local groups and antifascist organisations will be mobilising in order to stop the fascists in their tracks.

Our rally point will be at Dame Emily Park in Bedminster and we will be there from 12pm. At 1pm Bristol Anti-BNP will be holding their homes for all demo in East Street, which is very close to our rally point and other groups will also be supporting this. We will be marching from Dean Lane to East Street at 1pm to show support for their demo. Please check back on this page and the ‘Homes for All : Stop the fascists in Bristol’ event page (link below) for any updates as specifics are likely to change. In the meantime; continue to spread the word and we hope you can join us in the mobilisation to confront the fascists on our streets.


– Call the Bristol Anti-BNP mobile phone number for the latest information on the day.

– Check the Bristol Antifascists facebook page for any updates or changes

– Try to stay in groups when entering or leaving the area and throughout the day.

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Some of the fascists (local or otherwise) likely to be about on Saturday
Some of the fascists (local or otherwise) likely to be about on Saturday
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