So it’s now June and we’ve all been hearing about and discussing the recent ‘earthquake’ European election results. There’s been a fair few headlines in the last week reading things along the line of “2014 the rise of the far right” and they are not far wrong. The mainstream political system across Europe has just taken a big step to the right and unfortunately with that comes a threat much closer to home. Times are hard and the living standards of the working class have been in severe decline for some years now thanks to our lapdogs of the rich coalition government and their forced austerity measures attacking and strangle holding every single community up and down the country. Everyone is looking for someone to blame and fair enough, but as always at times like this and as repeated throughout history, the ruling elite have done a pretty good job of convincing everyone that it’s not them and their monstrous swollen bank balances always going up that are to blame. They’ve been giving us easy scapegoats. They’ve been telling us to blame the immigrants, the disabled, terrorists, Muslims, Europe, people without a job and it has been working for them and we are now seeing a new rise of the far right street movements. Whilst the recent buzz of the European elections has been going on, with Nigel Farage all over the TV and in the newspapers, there was a left wing gig in Portsmouth attacked by EDL thugs, an openly fascist white pride demonstration in Swansea, a huge Islamaphobic hooligan march in Brighton and fascists having to be kicked out of Easton in Bristol by the locals to name but a few of these far too often occurring incidents. Uniformed fascists Britain First were invading (their words) mosques in East London the other day!!! This cannot carry on. With this new rise of the mainstream far right across Europe comes a new rise of street level fascism from right within the heart of the communities we live in. It must be stopped and the most effective way to stop fascism is by organising and confronting it in our streets as soon as it rears its ugly head. We must fight back and we must do it now.