JOIN US – Midlands Antifascist Network, the Anti-Fascist Network and the people of Birmingham to block the racist PEGIDA march at Birmingham International railway station.

====== “WHAT’S GOING ON?” ======
Tommy Robinson, ex-EDL leader, is now setting up EDL version 2.0 in the UK, called “PEGIDA UK”. It aims to provide a ‘safe’ environment for people to march against Muslims, migrants and refugees, to attract more middle-class and ‘better behaved’ racists than the EDL. Now the Tories have tried to make islamophobia ‘acceptable’ in government and education, PEGIDA aim to make islamophobia ‘acceptable’ on the streets.

====== RACIST VIOLENCE ======
PEGIDA has originated in Germany, and as the racist, Islamophobic messages have been said more openly and presented as ‘reasonable’, racist violence has greatly increased. This has repeatedly been shown to happen when racists and fascists are allowed to march, in the history of far-right movements both in the UK and across Europe. Attacks on people of colour, Muslims, migrants and refugees in the street, at home or associated shops have been attacked. Birmingham has seen a taste of this violence, particularly after Charlie Hebdo and the latest Paris attacks, but in Germany, things have become far worse.

In January, the single most destructive racist attack was carried out by over 200 neo-nazi’s rampaging through Leipzig, smashing and burning property connected with connections to perceived ‘foreigners’ and left-wing organisations. The attack was staged at the same time as a PEGIDA demonstration, and more directly violent racists have been given courage by the widespread racist marches. Tommy Robinson now wants to bring this movement here, to engage in activity which is proven to further provoke racist violence. We cannot and will not allow this!

When it comes to sexual assaults, rape and other sexist acts, PATRIARCHY IS THE PROBLEM. But since the widespread public harrassment of women in Cologne and other cities on New Year’s Eve, racists everywhere have jumped on this and claimed to be the world’s best feminists. They aren’t. They have denied that harrasment, sexual assault and rape has always been widespread and committed primarily by white men, stating that “Rape Culture Is Imported”. Denying the existence of white patriarchy is not only deeply racist but incredibly sexist. The crimes of men don’t just belong to black and asian migrants.

====== “WHY BLOCK PEGIDA?” ======
PEGIDA does not want to be opposed and in Germany they have developed tactics to limit counter-demonstrators where they need to build strength. To them, this first march in the UK is important. It is staged entirely for the cameras! Alcohol has been banned, and stewards will enforce ‘silent walking’. They have chosen the NEC to reduce opposition to the march (instead of marching in a busy city-centre), to almost ‘edit out’ counter-demonstrators from the media images. These images will then be used to promote the next marches and attract a larger, wider audience – people that usually wouldn’t go near the EDL. We need PEGIDA to remain reliant on the EDL drunks for numbers.

We must oppose racists where they march, and not just leaflet some shoppers, miles away. To avoid PEGIDA building a popular, middle-class, extra-parliamentary racist movement, we need to seize the limelight from PEGIDA’s dreary, racist march. By blocking PEGIDA, we can show that racism is never ‘reasonable’ or ‘acceptable’. We can show that TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!