Flint and Denbigh hunt pack up before 1.30pm….

Hit report 11/1/22

Massive thanks to our good friends Shropshire Hunt Saboteurs who made the trip to lend us a hand with the Flint and Denbigh hunt following their absolute blatant fox hunting on Saturday.

The Flint and Denbigh met at Rhyllon farm just to the West of Rhuallt. Once again it was a poor turn out of riders which seems to have become the norm for midweek meets of this shambolic hunt. It’s not the best place to host a meet just a field over from the A55, especially considering this hunt have very little control over their hounds, but it does show how desperate this hunt are, they usually only use this meet during cubbing but have lost a few areas this season already. One of the areas they don’t seem welcome back at is Bodrhyddan Hall, however the land they hunted on yesterday still belongs to Lord Langford and Bodrhyddan Hall, it’s an absolute shame the current Lord Langford allows this hunt on his land considering his father said he was against fox hunting.

some of the team

The hunt set off around 11am and moved at pace across muddy waterlogged fields, Medcalf the huntsman leaving his field riders behind to attempt to illegally hunt. It didn’t take long for the hounds to pick up on the scent of a fox with Medcalf casting them into every little coppice he came across. With hounds in cry and moving at pace we headed the huntsman and hounds off further down the road as he gathered his hounds. The hounds they briefly went into cry again before the huntsman gathered them once again and headed onto the B5429 and headed back towards the rest of the field riders. The hunt then went through the extremely muddy Tir-Hwch woods, back onto the road and into Coed y’r Ynys. The hunt support were parked on the junction near Coed Y’r Ynys and were getting a little naggy, obviously frustrated at what we’ve reduced the only mounted hunt in North Wales too. As we approached the woods via a footpath in a field to one side of Coed Y’r Ynys the hounds picked up an another fox. At this point we used prerecorded horn called to create enough confusion to buy any foxes a few valuable moments to escape the hounds.

sabs keeping pace with the Flint and Denbigh hunt

The hunt continued to move at speed and headed to Cwm, and Cwm woods, land once again owned by the Bodrhyddan estate. If you’ve even been up Cwm woods you may have noticed the lack of wildlife, an eerie area that you’re unlikely to even hear a bird sing. The land have been absolutely decimated of wildlife by the Bodrhyddan estate gamekeepers, and the fact they use to allow the known badger baiters of the Waen foxhounds on this land. You really need to be careful if you’re walking your dogs in this area as it’s littered with traps and snares. The hunt then came back down off Cwm woods and to our amazement the huntsman whipper-in and hounds headed straight back to Rhyllon farm and packed up at around 1.20pm.

Robert Medcalf and Will Deague packing

*Disclaimer we’ve stolen a lot of these photo’s from our friends at Shropshire hunt sabs, we’re sure they won’t mind 😉

We’ve a new donations link, thank you for all your kind donations, you really do make the difference. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-for-the-sabbing-season?sharetype=teams&member=16556241&pc=fb_co_campmgmt_m&rcid=r01-164176372607-089ff354f02b4518&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_lico%2Bshare-sheet

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