
Please complete the following form and submit your request, which will be forwarded to the site admins who will review it and attempt to set up your new blog as soon as possible.

If you have any problems using this form, drop us a line at n23request [at] lists [dot] aktivix [dot] org – Please email us from a secure email if you can.

On the form below, you will be asked to tick a box if you are happy with our terms and conditions. We need you to agree with these statements to support you with a free blog. Once you have your blog, if you go against any of the following, then we reserve the right to suspend it. I know that sounds heavy, but we have to have a workable way of dealing with this. If you disagree with this way of doing things, then the Web is a big place and we’re sure you will find somewhere else for your blog. We are for Free Speech but we won’t host hate.

Massive Media: Just a reminder – you won’t be able to upload large Audio and Video files, but you will be able to link to them if you upload them somewhere else.

    A name for your new blog. If it's not already used, it's yours (required).

    If you're going to be running the blog on behalf of an organisation or group, please tell us it's name.

    In one sentence, what do you want to use your blog for (required)?

    You can have any web address beginning with for your blog, such as (required).

    Please provide a brief description of your blog's future content (required).

    I accept the aforementioned terms and conditions and understand that if I breach them, n23 reserves the right to suspend my blog without further notice.

    Please double-check that you typed your email address correctly.