Category Archives: callout

just to put this important post in a separate category from the rest.


Court solidarity demonstration to support the last protester arrested at the NATO summit, charged with assaulting a police officer. There will be a short solidarity demonstration outside the court from 9:30am on Tuesday 6th January 2015. Anti-militarist and anti-police repression … Continue reading

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Callout – Sabcat Day of Action Against Austerity, Benefit Cuts and Evictions.

Meet at the Cenotaph, Newport at 1pm. Dressing up as Sabcats optional, but we recommend that you mask up. Cat masks will be available on the day. Wear ears, fluffy tails and cat face paint and masks! Here’s why:

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CALLOUT – Sunday 31st August – Stop NATO action against securitisation and policing

In preparation for the NATO summit, the authorities have put a giant fucking wall around parts of Cardiff and Newport. Local people do not want this wall – it prevents access to public grounds and services, disrupts essential travel and is an … Continue reading

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Stop NATO Cymru launch #NatoCopWatch campaign against police harassment

In the wake of anti-NATO campaigners facing unwarranted police presence at their events, the increase in surveillance expected in South Wales in the run-up to September’s NATO Summit and police pestering activists in their own homes, Stop NATO Cymru have … Continue reading

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This year NATO will have their next summit at Celtic Manor Resort, in Newport, south Wales. In early September 2014, “world leaders” – all directly responsible for untold death, illegal torture flights, and wars fought purely to protect Western business … Continue reading

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