Legal Help
In case of any legal problems, activists can call: Bristol Defendant Solidarity at +447746741104.
Useful Maps
- Map of Cardiff (with interesting stuff…)
- Map of Newport (with interesting stuff…)
- Manor resort map
- Another detailed map of the area near the Celtic Manor
Practical Advice
- Crossing the border: English | Deutsch | Français | Português | Slovenščina Celtic
- Guide to affinity groups and buddying
- Delia Smith’s Basic Blockading Guide
- Guide to public order situations
- Activists’ Legal Project
- Tech Tools for Activism
- No Comment – Guide to Arrest
- Guide to protective padding and shields
- Why wear a mask?
- Police Liaison Officers
- Activist Trauma Support
- Various other DIY guides
- B+W Newport leaflet (Welsh): pdf | odt
- B+W Newport leaflet (English): pdf | odt
- B+W Bristol leaflet: pdf | odt
- Week of Action A3 poster
- Detailed A5 week of action leaflet: pdf | odt
- Week of Action A6 leaflet (with AAN squirrel): A6 size, 400dpi (high quality) 4 x A6s arranged on an A4 sheet, 400dpi (high quality) 4 x A6s arranged on an A4 sheet, 200dpi (medium quality, faster download)
- Business card size colour flier: front | back
- Army Recruitment leaflet (bilingual): pdf | scribus
- AAN sticker advertising week of action (English)
- AAN sticker advertising week of action (Welsh)
- No Borders day of action poster (lores version)
- No Borders day of action poster (fonts missing from pdf?)
- No Borders day of action leaflet (A6s 4up on A4)
- Colour leaflet (front) Colour leaflet (back)
- International newsletter
- Newport Rising publicity: B+W poster (en) B+W poster (cy) Leaflet (bilingual)
- Leaflet – third version Leaflet (fourth version)
- Leaflet (fourth version, 2up on A4) Colour poster (en)
- Another leaflet aimed at big demo