Davie’s Diary…..

Pip pip, chaps!

After the resounding success of our first ever advertised public demo in Aberdeen for fellow patriots, fellow patriots have asked me to write up an effective blueprint for further usage by fellow patriots on future demo’s.

It ‘s been a busy week up here in my Seaton Kehlsteinhaus since I declared my intention to stand as a Member of the European Parliament. Reading, writing and doing the adding up are all new skills that can take a while to learn, and as I’ve been told that I must learn at least one of those skills to be an effective politician then I will. My country demands no less from me! My fellow patriots deserve the best Furher (Sieg Heil!) in charge of everyone! Could Hitler (Sieg Heil!) read and do long division? Probably! So I should learn as well. It’s like my old mum used to say to me “If it’s good enough for Hitler, it’s good enough for you! Now eat yer fish fingers or yer nea gettin to watch Dallas!”

So after the resounding success of our first ever advertised public demo in Aberdeen for fellow patriots here are some top tips, some dos and dont’s and a few handy pointers that can help avoid any funny gaffs or blunders….I hope you enjoy having them read out to you as much as I enjoyed drawing them out on paper with a big crayon while my carer interpreted my ravings into simple ENGERLISH for my fellow patriots to understand.

Davie “Bawbug” MacNaziie…


 How to hold an affective Racist Far Right Demo…

Location: Effective demonstrating is all about location. As we were trying to galvanise the local community in Seaton (the community being affected by the building of the Muslamic terror centre or MOASQUE) we chose to hold out demo outside of Seaton, thus attracting no members of the community to our demo.


It’s also important to choose a location that will allow you to interact with the public and get your message out. For our first ever advertised public demo in Aberdeen for fellow patriots we chose to stand outside a disused public toilet, behind a busy petrol station, beside a very busy road that attracts absolutely no pedestrians.


I must admit that I chose the location for sentimental reasons. I have spent many a happy hour in those public toilets when I was a lad, and they used to be very busy. Loads of guys used to hang about them, not any more it seems, probably due to public sector cuts. When I’m Fuhrer (Sieg Heil!) there will be public toilets everywhere!

 Image: They say that politics is Showbiz for ugly people which is why I’m standing to become a member of the European Parliament. Joking aside, we here at The National Front do take our image very seriously, which is why on our first ever advertised public demo in Aberdeen for fellow patriots we chose to have our most manly and handsome patriots on the outskirts of the demo to entice the passing general public into our warm loving embrace.


Is there anything more stirring and erotically charged than the shining knights of the master race on display? Proud, erect and well shaved? I think not.

fash 15

And as you can see we chose to stick to the classic family friendly 1970’s racist skinhead look and the never out of fashion 1980’s soccer casual look.

Large shades and close fitting baseball caps are also handy just in case you don’t want neighbours/workmates to know you’re a racist.


It saddens me that modern politics has become all about policy and not image. There was a time when all you needed to succeed in politics was a smart flick, a tiny moustache and a liking for mass extermination. Rest assured voters when I’m in charge every man, woman and child will be forced to cultivate a tiny moustache (Sieg Heil!)!!!

Posters: Remember to have lots of leaflets to hand out to the thousands of people who will be passing your demo. We forgot to take any this time but as we had no members of the general public pass by it worked out as a saving for the party. This is just one example of the sound fiscal policy’s I will be implementing when I’m voted in as a MSP. Remember, Vote Racist! Vote Davie!

And don’t concern yourself with the wishes of the parents of a young man who was brutally murdered on the streets in London, use the victims name and image for your own political / financial gain and to spread an agenda of hatred. This is a policy that is guaranteed not to backfire on us in any way! So, Vote Davie! Vote Racist!


Speeches: Remember to bring along a P.A. System or megaphone so you can address fellow patriots and the thousands of members of the general public you will attract with a fine speech. Don’t forget to use LOTS of hand gestures when speaking. We forgot to take our mega phone this time but the passing cars, buses, lorries and the hundreds of Anti-Fascists across from us would have drowned out the speeches we would have made anyway, had we had any ready. We did lots of hand gestures though!


Health and Safety: It’s important to remember that when you are standing directly behind a petrol station not to be smoking a tab. If we were to blow ourselves up this would not only hamper my election prospects at becoming Furher (Sieg Heil!!!!!) it would also give a clear victory to Anti-fascists, the local community and all normal thinking people… So remember patriots, stay safe and as Jimmy says “Clunk-Click! Every Trip!”

fash 14

Punctuality: Hitler ((Sieg Heil!!)) would be spinning in his grave if we turned up late at our own demo!

Finally, the most important thing to do out there is have fun. Having the ability to laugh at yourselves is essential. Thousands and thousands and thousands of non patriots (like those in the picture below) will come and point at you and laugh, make rude finger gestures, possibly even throw things. Silver haired grandma’s may even come up and spit on you, small children will run away screaming and passing vehicles of all sizes will try and run you over so be prepared to smile politely and hide behind a beard free police man.


Remember when we win all these millions of people who clearly think we are idiots will get theirs!

((Sieg Heil!!))((Sieg Heil!!))

Vote Racist! Vote Davie

Cheers Davie, good luck in the next elections!


Dundee Together!

The good folks of Dundee can put on a show when necessary. And any time the Stupid Defence League congregate to spread their message of hatred it’s necessary!  Dundee didn’t let themselves down on 1st September, and hopefully the SDL winna be back anytime soon.

Dundee Together was a happy mix of the people of Dundee, Scottish Anti-Fa, the Youth League of Muslims, Scottish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, Unite Against Fascism, Dundee Mosque, Stop the War Coalition, Hope not Hate, Dundee & Aberdeen Anarchists and the SWP.

We were all capably brought together by the Dundee TUC and their many volunteers who donated time and energy to make sure the city remained fascist free.

The day started with a wander around the stalls, some breakfast and a catch up with people we don’t see often enough and then we were off to the first seminar of the day.

Click on photo for a link to the excellent seminars

The Free University held an open session exploring 2 different view-points of fascism: the external and the personal. Some very interesting points were raised and a good discussion was formed. One thing raised during the discussion that particularly interested this reporter was the irony of a “left wing” Labour Government under Blair & Brown accelerating the right wing Neo-Liberal economic program started by Thatcher in the UK- economic fascism.

The awesome Dundee Bollywood Dancers

While the musical entertainment began on the stage, roving bands of concerned citizens were out and about keeping all eyes peeled for the Sober Defenders League, but there was little sign of them. Rumours of their locations abounded but we figured that the tiny cage surrounded by lots of cops just beside a shopping centre would probably be their final destination.

Around about 1pm, the collective intelligence of the city took a massive drop. It was as if a massive cloud of STUPID had arrived and settled around us. But what, where or who could it be?  The rattling sound of sick and lonely brain cells bouncing about shaved bone headed skulls announced the imminent arrival of the mighty defenders of Scotland from the Muslamic hoards.

We're not racists, honest

So, the mighty neon clad defenders of the SDL, the cops, escorted them into their pre-arranged neon police kettle.

Kettled fascists. Is that like potted heid?

Soon hundreds of locals had kettled the police kettle that had already been set up to kettle the racists.

"There are many, many more of us than you....."

We spent a pleasant hour shouting much louder than the paltry band of racists before they were escorted back onto their buses and out of the city.

Goodbye fascists, hurry back now.....

A note of thanks really must go out to all the guys and gals of the North East Infidels, SDL Borders Division, EDL SDL and other assorted bald middle-aged racists who made the trip up to Dundee. It’s due to their commitment and sterling work that communities throughout Scotland, of all races, religions and age-groups are coming together and extending understanding toward each other. Without you guys of the SDL to motivate people our communities may remain divided. So please keep up the good work. Don’t go changing ya’ hear!


BNP in Glasgow, again.

UAF Scotland are organising a rally in Glasgow on the 28th July 2012.

Please gather at 12pm in Buchannan Street.

Aberdeen welcomes the BNP

This will be only one of the many responses on the streets that day to the BNP  trying to set up a political stall in Glasgow, again. Various groups of Anti-Fa will be ensuring they get a warm welcome. Please take banners and placards and facemasks. There will also be poetry, music and various speakers. The demo finishes at 2pm.

Contact UAF Scotland here: uafscotland@googlemail.com