Boxing Day 2019 Tarporley, Cheshire Hounds

Protest Tarporley High Street against the Cheshire Hounds

Boxing Day 2019

North Wales hunt saboteurs, Cheshire hunt saboteurs, Derby hunt saboteurs, Cheshire against bloodsports, Stockport Monitors and independent Monitors.

Street protest, numerous assaults, criminal damage, theft, illegal hunting… just your average day in Cheshire.

On Boxing Day we headed out to join friends from multiple other anti hunting groups to pay a visit to the infamous Cheshire Hounds hunt who were meeting on Tarporley high street. With around 70 sabs and monitor in the area a large protest against the hunt was also taking place on the high street. As the hunt left the meeting point the public really let them know what they thought of them. The protesters had outnumbered the hunt in what was a poor showing for the hunt. Hunt security pushed the crowds back and it was all a bit mad. Clearly this hunt are NOT WELCOME!

When we got into the fields once leaving the high street it was clear the “Safety officers” were in a bad mood, Santa probably didn’t bring them what they’d asked for. “The Safety pin heads” didn’t take long to assault their first sab on a public footpath of all places. With so many of us about everywhere the hunt tried to go they ran into more of us. The hunt were clearly furious with 3 more anti hunt folks getting assaulted. Items were also stolen and broken, eggs were thrown at us by passing hunt vehicles and roads were blocked. The hounds went into cry numerous times. And at once point were in cry and out of control for around 45mins. The huntsman is either useless or pretending to be. At around 2.30am after the hounds being out of control the wildlife officer said he’d tell the hunt to pack up. It took a while to gather all the hounds back up they were running away from the whipper-in. But once they finally managed to gather the pack they did head home. That wasn’t the end of the antics unfortunately as the thuggish “Safety pin heads” decided to attack another sab. We can’t say too much about the assaults and other offences atm as it will need to be passed onto the police.

Well done to everyone!

Cheshire hounds whipper-in getting told to go home

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