Hit report 19/12/20


The Flint and Denbigh hunt met at Green Isa near Denbigh Green Trefnant (again, due to having hardly anywhere left the hunt) The hunt know exactly where to find foxes in this area and left the meet and headed towards Perthewig Farm, it was at this point the first fox was seen bolting to safety. The hunt then recklessly but the hounds into Perthewig woods knowing full well they may come across foxes and knowing full well the thick overgrown brambles in there made it impossible for a trail to have been laid through there. The same as everytime the hounds became entangled in the brambles. As the same as usual the hunt spent some time in there trying to search for a fox. The sabs who’d stayed with our vehicles then witnessed a fox bolt from the woods and across the road, more importantly so had the police who were patrolling in an unmarked car. The police told the huntsman Robert Medcalf not to cross the road as the police had been parked there for sometime and knew the smokescreeners with the words “line layers” on their bibs hadn’t been that side of the road…. Of course the hunt ignored the police and crossed. But fortunately for the fox so had the sabs and hunt could not get upto their dirty trick with so right on hand. The hunt then crossed the road again and onto the dismantled railway line that runs through Denbigh Green behind Green Isa, a favourite haunt of this hunt, as the huntsman sent his hounds up and down the dismantled railway in search of a fox it was at this point independent monitors who were situated on the roadside witnessed another fox being flushed and running for it’s life, that’s 3 foxes already! The terrier men also conveniently happened to be on the dismantled railway line, it was at this point an assault occurred, that now being a police matter.

The hunt frustrated that we weren’t going to let them hunt foxes then tried to lose us, they crossed the road through Tyddyn Lunt farm straight back onto the A525 with the huntsman moving at speed into Plas Newydd estate. Knowing the area so well one of our vehicles drove to the other end of Plas Newydd and footsabs were able to enter via a footpath the try head of the hunt. As the sabs approached the a woodland hounds started to speak as they picked up on a scent. We can’t say if was a fox as we didn’t see it, put presumably by the reaction of the huntsman and the whipper-in they’d seen us as they screamed “leave it” and cracked their whips, a herd of deer were seen fleeing from the woodland across the estate, so it would be a fair presumption that’s what the hounds had picked up on. The huntsman soon gathered his hounds and crossed another main road this time onto the Plas Heaton estate side. By now the rain was coming down sideways but that wasn’t going to put us off. The hunt circled a couple of fields before heading to another favourite place of theirs, funny how all their favourite places seem to foxes. The huntsman put his hounds into the wooded area of Plas Heaton estate, hounds soon went into cry and then a fox was seen the bolt from the bracken across a path which went through the wooded area, at this point more sabs had come into the field and called the hounds off using a gizmo. The full pack were not in the field and fox was safe, the hunt riders were furious as they rode a little too close to are sabs. When the hunt got their pack back then rode through the estate yard and into another field, but this time the hounds rioted after sheep! The huntsman just watched! The footsabs who hadn’t let the hunt out of their sights all day continued to follow despite the hail stones now come down fast. The hunt crossed back through Plas Newydd and back through Tyddyn Lunt the hail had now turned to sleet but the huntsman was still trying to hunt. With some of the riders leaving complaining of the cold we hoped for an earlier that usual pack up. But no Medcalf wanted another shot at Perthewig woods, but with sabs always right their this was another blank draw for the hunt.

On our way home we heard the news of yet further lockdown restrictions which should keep our foxes safe for the foreseeable.

Thanks for all your kind donations, you can donate to us on this link https://ko-fi.com/nwsabs

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