Flint and Denbigh hunt end meet.

Hit report 26/2/22

By now there’s not much we don’t know about the Flint and Denbigh hunt. And knowing yesterday would be their final official meet of the season, we guessed they’d try pull something to avoid us. So on Friday we sat outside their kennels all day just in case they changed the meet to a day earlier as they did for their opening meet of the season, which also didn’t fool us .. but they didn’t… so what were they plotting?
Well they planned to go out extra early, as we found out when we arrived in Cefn Meiriadog at 8.20am to see horseboxes already turning up. Being the last meet they’d invited every scoundrel they could, not a particular large turn out of riders turned up, but there was more hunt supporters out than they’ve had in years, including the owner of Rhianfa vets in Rhyl, we’re sure John will plead his innocent or tell you all he was working, but it’s not the first time he’s slipped up.

North Wales Sabs

All the riders and supporters headed down to the hunt kennels, including their smokescreen trail layers who then set off towards Bontnewydd on the otherside the river, where the hunt went nowhere near all day. The hunt then set off around 9.30am and headed towards Ty’n y Coed before turning back and heading for their usual start point and Coed y Saeson. At this point riders were stood on-point in the field at the end of the woods waiting for a fox to be flushed in their direction. In Coed y Saeson hounds had started to speak as they picked up on a scent, clearly not the scent of a mythical trail as the smokescreen trail layer were now the opposite side the river. A deer was seen attempting to flee the woods but ran into a fence and turned back straight towards the hound. So at this point we decided to intervene and call the hounds out of the woods and into the next field using horn calls recorded onto our gizmo device. Needless to say the huntsman was not best pleased as he tried to get his hounds back. Once gathered he headed at speed towards Cefn Farm and ‘the bryn’. Now the police had turned up after we’d told them the hunt were out, don’t know why we bother though as only one police car turned up to ‘the big meet’ and they weren’t much good… strangely they managed to get two police cars out at the hunt ball…. The hounds had once again started to speak on ‘The Bryn’ and two foxes were seen by sabs who had stayed at the bottom of the hill. One of the foxes was seen fleeing towards Accar wood, deer had also been seen fleeing. The hunt then headed towards Accar woods where one of the foxes had been seen running to. As footsabs walked along the road that runs alongside Accar Wood a fox was seen running from the woods across the road and in the direction of the church. The area was strayed with citronella, they we overhead on a hunt supporters radio that a second fox had bolted on tbe opposite side the woods. Some sabs stayed at the location the first fox was seen bolting, ready to rate the hounds back should they come this way. More sabs had now headed to the opposite side where we’d heard the second fox had bolted, thankfully the hounds had lost this one too.

Fox fleeing the Flint and Denbigh hunt

Half eleven and the hunt were now back on the hunt kennels driveway. A quick shot of port and they headed off again, through Wigfair Estate and towards Eryl Hall caravan park. By now Lord Sir Michael Trailliar smokescreen had already packed up his horse after being on tbe opposite side the river to the hunt all morning, when questioned why is he packing up whilst the hunt were still out, for once he was lost for words and had no excuse. The hunt had now picked up on another fox as hounds were in full cry. The hounds bolted by Squirrels lodge, crossing the road across the fields and back towards ‘The Bryn’, the hounds in their chase had left everyone else behind including Medcalf the huntsman. It was clear we weren’t going to be able to catch up, so we jumped in our vehicles and headed that way. Amazingly as we got to ‘The Bryn’ we witnessed the fox running across the road straight passed the hunt supporters and terrier men and into a field… Sabs got into the field and stopped the chasing hounds in their tracks! The hunt now were absolutely fuming! Hunt supporters blocked the road with their vehicles. Terrier men were making threats, and Nige Cox was screaming all sorts of delusional gibberish. One of the supporters in particular lost his cool, Growcott getting in the face of our driver who he’d blocked in with his vehicle. Growcott said “I might F### you one day”. An independent hunt monitor had also been assaulted.

sabs take control of the pack

The hunt still trying to pick up on the scent of the fox we’d just saved as they headed through Accar woods, then once again headed to the hunt kennels driveway, and were soon followed by the riders and supporters. At this point they decided they’d have no luck in getting their kill they’d desperately seen seeking all day and packed up at around 12.30pm. We waited around until everyone had left the area….

Our day wasn’t over just yet though as the hunt ball was taking place at Faenol Fawr from 7pm. We presumed our invite must have got lost in the post, so turned up anyway just in case we got asked in. As we sat in the car park trying not to laugh at all the red coats brought from the local fancy dress shop, the hunt called the police. Two police cars attended, twice as many as they could find for the illegal fox hunt taking place earlier. To tbe hunts disappointment the police didn’t even talk to us. We must admit Pat was definitely the best on show last night.

With the Flint and Denbigh hunt over until cub hunting season we can now focus on hunts further afield. And also prepare for the upcoming Otter/Mink hunts and this years insanity that is the badger cull. Thank you to everybody single one of you that’s supported us in any way. You can donate directly to us on this link

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