Flint and Denbigh hunt illegally hunt fox and trespass on Moel Famau National Park.

Hit report 9/2/22


The Flint and Denbigh hunt cancelled their regular Tuesday meet yesterday, but didn’t bother telling the police and left officers from North Wales Police driving around Cefn Meiriadog all day yesterday search for the hunt. The hunt had changed their meet to today and once again didn’t tell the police they would be out, as we found out when me called it in after the hunt were caught red handed hunting a fox.

You shouldn’t be up there!

This morning we received a tip off from a member of public that the hunt had been spotted in Llandyrnog. A massive thank you to that person, this just shows the importance of letting is know, even if we don’t reply to you straight away it’s because we are already out somewhere or trying to get somebody over to you. The hunt with very few places left that will have anything to do with them left horseboxes on a public road and used up the lay-bys to go out committing wildlife crime. We arrived in the area and searched for the hunt in areas we know they go to. For some reason the hunt hadn’t invited their usual suspects along with none of the regular hunt supporters out. We then came across a smokescreen… Well 3 idiots and a child wearing green bibs saying “Line layers” on them. Funnily enough it was 2hrs later before the hunt even headed in that direction and still at that went nowhere near the imaginary trails.

Flint and Denbigh hunt huntsman Robert Medcalf

It was difficult to locate the exact location of the hunt as the terrain wasn’t easy, we were in the Moel Famau and Moel Arthur area, so if you know the area you’ll be aware of the hilly terrain. We did locate the hunt trespassing on Moel Famau National Park, the huntsman denied this saying “we can use the bridleways” whilst he wasn’t on a bridleway! The field riders knowing they’d been rumbled were reluctant to come back down the hillside. The hunt then moved on tearing up public footpaths and scaring heavily pregnant sheep as they headed towards Clwyd Wood then Quarry wood. In Quarry Wood the hounds picked up on the scent of a fox! Whipper-in Wilby was on the top side the woods, hounds in cry! The fox bolted down hill and towards the road, our driver filmed it all. The fox ran down hill crossing the road and towards Gael Fawr farm where the hound van had been parked. The hounds were a little behind and came down the hill in cry on the line of the fox. Our sab who was situated on the road side was able to slow the hounds down but then the hound jumped the fence in pursuit of the fox. Huntsman Medcalf was told to call the hounds off he said he’s trying to despite making absolute no effort to call the hounds off. A delivery man in a van had witnessed all this too and had called the police! Thank you if that delivery man was you! Sabs followed the hunt up the drive of Gael Fawr (who are complicit in allowing illegal hunting on their land) by now the huntsman had gathered his hounds and was turning back towards the hound van. We checked out where the hoof prints of the huntsman had gone to and couldn’t find any evidence of a kill so hopefully this fox escaped. We have an incident number and plenty of evidence once again against this bunch of wildlife criminals.

Rob Medcalf what an idiot

Thanks for all your kind donations you can donate to us of this link https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-for-the-sabbing-season?sharetype=teams&member=16556241&pc=fb_co_campmgmt_m&rcid=r01-164176372607-089ff354f02b4518&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_lico%2Bshare-sheet

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