Mostyn Estate………. No control over their hounds.

Hit report 8/10/22
No control over their hounds….
The Flint and Denbigh hunt met at Mostyn Estate in Tre-Mostyn at 8am this morning. Obviously completely ignored the signs by Flintshire County Council stating dogs must be kept on leads in this area and to have poo bags on you……

No a very good smokescreen, hunt didn’t go anywhere near them.

The hunt seemed very reluctant to leave the meeting point at Mostyn Farm, the huntsman on his radio and discussions going on as to where to go. By the time the hunt finally left the meet just after 8.15am they’d forgotten to send their smokescreen trail layers out first, with the green bib wearers at the back of the hunt. The hunt crossed into Wern Farm and the area that hosts the “Farm rides”, the “trail layers” weren’t have their best day at pretending to lay tails as they just sat on their horses further down the road the opposite way to which the hunt had gone. As the hunt looped around Wern Farm the hounds picked up on the scent of a fox, clearly not a trail as the “trail layers” were still on the road scratching their bums. The hounds then gave chased across a road and into a woodland, a local farmers was now stood on the road concerned at who the hunt were up to. Whipper-in Wilby was now stood on-point on the road, and the hounds were all over the place. It would appear the fox had gone to ground. The huntsman Robert Medcalf radioed the whip to ask “where are they” the whip presumed he meant sabs who were stood right next to him and replied “you don’t want to know”…. Medcalf “What do you mean! I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want to know!”

Whipper-in Will Deague aka Wilby stood on-point

It took some time for them to round the hound up, imaging being one of the many dog walkers out in this area then coming across a pack of out of control hounds. The huntsman moved off leaving most the riders and hunt supporters behind. But it was only a few minutes later that he was left blowing his horn again as he’d lost hounds. The hunt moved back through Mostyn Farm and by now they’d grown in numbers with many children from the pony club joining in for a bit of cub hunting. The “trail layers” had been seen heading to pack up an hour before the rest of the hunt. The hunt then headed towards Mostyn Hall as the supporters didn’t seem to know where they’d gone. But the hunt had doubled back to pack up…. well most the hunt, the huntsman Robert Medcalf was left to go look for his lost hounds as clearly the whipper-in wasn’t up to the job as he was left to guard the hound van.

A horses arse

Thanks for all your support, it’s been an expensive week for us, we’ll drop a link to our donations in the comments below.

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