probably because it’s fake
So quit it
sometimes in life we’re required in an emergency to make a drastic intervention
we have to kick bite punch slap scream scratch or run
if we do this for a minute, for 60 seconds, and nothing changes– the intervention is not working and will never work.
if we do this for an hour, we might call it training. But if after an hour, still nothing changes, it never will.
so don’t waste your time
Beating on that same old drum
if after a minute it doesn’t work, you made some kind of mistake. It’s never going to work. Think it over and think of something else to try.
there is a saying: why don’t we do it? Because it doesn’t work
Everyone needs time for research. But be careful when your research impinges upon others — think about how many researchers there are, and how many “tests” each will want to run. Be careful, be minimally invasive, keep it short, and if you don’t see changes right away, drop it!