Author Archives: ffwff

Travel Info for the Week

There will be a minibus making journeys to and from the camp during the week. For more info call: 07774408401 If you are trying to get to the camp from Newport City center, take the 30, 34, 35 or 36 … Continue reading

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As well as the Celtic Manor here are some other parts of NATO’s militarised network of power in the Newport and Cardiff area that might interest you…

They are available to be downloaded from here: Map of Cardiff: Map of Newport:

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Stop NATO Cymru Week of Action in Cardiff & Newport

All week: action camp at Tredegar Park near Newport, with gigs, workshops, skillshares. Sat 30th Aug, 1pm meet at Civic Centre Car Park, Newport – Radical bloc will join demo against NATO in Newport. Sun 31st Aug, 3pm at the … Continue reading

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Callout – Sabcat Day of Action Against Austerity, Benefit Cuts and Evictions.

Meet at the Cenotaph, Newport at 1pm. Dressing up as Sabcats optional, but we recommend that you mask up. Cat masks will be available on the day. Wear ears, fluffy tails and cat face paint and masks! Here’s why:

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No Borders S. Wales and Stop NATO Cymru Day of Action Against Racism, Prisons and Borders.

  No Borders South Wales: You can tell what country NATO is currently terrorising by who’s desperately trying- and dying -to get to the “safety” of the UK. From Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and other parts of North Africa, and more recently … Continue reading

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CALLOUT – Sunday 31st August – Stop NATO action against securitisation and policing

In preparation for the NATO summit, the authorities have put a giant fucking wall around parts of Cardiff and Newport. Local people do not want this wall – it prevents access to public grounds and services, disrupts essential travel and is an … Continue reading

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Stop NATO Cymru launch #NatoCopWatch campaign against police harassment

In the wake of anti-NATO campaigners facing unwarranted police presence at their events, the increase in surveillance expected in South Wales in the run-up to September’s NATO Summit and police pestering activists in their own homes, Stop NATO Cymru have … Continue reading

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Stop Killing People You Twats – Benefit Comp for Stop Nato Cymru

From Recordiau Afiach, Cardiff  WE PRESENT TO YOU… AFIACH #5 ‘Stop Killing People You Twats’ available from our bandcamp page for £2.99 or more.

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Stop NATO Cymru and Anarchist Action Network National Convergence

This is the last before the NATO summit! Saturday 16th August 12-6pm Blackpool, at Reclaim the Power Sunday 17th August 12- 6pm Blackpool, at Reclaim the Power

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Stop NATO Cymru Day of Action against Militarism

On Friday, activists from Stop NATO Cymru conducted three different actions against an army recruitment centre in Cardiff and two weapons companies in London.

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