Our First Post!

So, Three Counties Sabs have got themselves a new webpage. Hopefully it will mean that those of you not on facebook will have the opportunity to comment on our recent activities and it will also act as a platform for us to put up pages of information about how hunts work, what tactics we use in response and what foxes may do in such situations as well as a blog to show updates from us.

We’ll see how it goes and it will take some time to build it up, but if you could share the message about this page as well as our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/3CHuntSabs that would be fantastic. Any suggestions as to what kind of information our supporters would like to see on the page will be great too, so feel free to leave us a comment or send us a message – our email address is threecountiessabs@live.co.uk

Thanks for reading and we hope to be able to create a really good site!


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