This is supposed to be an easy page from which you can quickly find the information that you’re looking for – especially on phones, it can be hard to use the drop-down menus to find the right page and it’s not always going to be obvious where certain information can be found.
1. Home page is a rolling blog of our most recent news and more interesting sabbing reports (our facebook page has a much more detailed ‘daily report’ type thing going on)
2. About Us gives you more information about us as a group
— History This page gives a brief history of hunting in the UK
— Hunt Structure gives a brief explanation, of how a hunt is set up and works
—— Glossary of Hunting Terms and Instructions
—— Types of Hunt explains a bit about deer, mink, hare hunting and so on
—— Horn and Voice Calls gives an explanation of different calls you might hear out at a hunt
—— Hounds, Harriers and Beagles contains information on the different dogs used
—— Terrierwork: past and present explains who the terriermen are, why they work with hunts and what they do (there is also a page dedicated to the Ledbury Terriermen)
——— Artificial Earths explains more about what artificial earths are, how they’re made and what they’re used for
—— Cubhunting is an article which explains what cubhunting is and why it is an important part of hunting
—— Draghunting explains what draghunting actually is and why it is different to trail-laying
—— Trail Hunting explains what trail hunting would be if the hunts we went out with actually laid trails…
— Hunts in the Three Counties explains which hunts are in our ‘catchment area’
—— Hunts vs Badgers is an article written by 3C Sabs explaining about how hunts affect badgers and setts and draws on personal experience of our group in the three counties
——— Badger sett-checking guidelines and information sets out the basic process by which we check for blocked setts and what we do when we find them as well as providing important information relevant to the situation
——– Badger found shot in blocked sett entrance is a report detailing a shot badger we found in a tampered-with sett after a Worcestershire Hunt meet
—— Hunt Profile: Ledbury Hunt is a page dedicated to the Ledbury Hunt (there is also a page about the chairman of the hunt who ran in the 2016 PCC elections: PCC Elections 2016)
—— Malvern Hills Trust – Hunting Policy explains the policy that the Malvern Hills Trust brought into place in Autumn 2017 to regulate hunts on their land, particularly the Ledbury Hunt
—— Hunt Profile: North Cotswold Hunt is dedicated to the North Cotswold Hunt (there is also a page regarding the North Cotswold Hunt Ball in 2019 which gives even more information about what the hunt have been up to in seasons since the first page was written)
—— Hunt Profile: South Herefordshire is dedicated to information on the South Herefordshire Hunt
—— Hunt Profile: Cotswold Vale Farmers’ Hunt is dedicated to the CVFH
—— Hunt Profile: Ross Harriers is dedicated to the Ross Harriers (there is also a page about the ex-chairman of the hunt who ran for the 2021 PCC elections: PCC Elections 2021)
4. Hunt Saboteurs explains more about hunt saboteurs in general
— History gives a brief explanation of the history of hunt sabotage
— Sab Tactics gives a run-down of the general tactics which sabs may use out in the field
—— National Anti-hunt Exposes is a page where we share leaked information which reflects upon or affects hunting on a more national level, as opposed to our own more local work
—— Glossary of Terms and Phrases covers a variety of terms that anti-hunt people may use – some are not hunting terms, others are; it is not an exhaustive list of all hunting terms, more of which can be seen in the Hunt Info. Glossary mentioned above
—— Working with Sources explains where we get some of our information from and briefly notes how we deal with tip-offs and anonymity of our contacts
—— Use of Cameras in Hunt Sabotage explains why we choose to use cameras as part of our ‘sabbing toolbox’ and how we use them
—— Open Setts Save Lives! is a short article explaining our work, and reasons for it, over the years against the blocking of badger setts by hunts
— Raisng Awareness contains more info on how we raise awareness of what we do and how to contact us about events
—- 2016 – 2017 season calendar is an example of a season out in the fields with 3C Sabs!
—- 2019 – 2020 season calendar carries on as another example so you can see how our work continues in similar fashions each season
5. Wildlife A very brief run-down of some of the animals we come across in our activities as a group
— Traps, Snares and Pits is a series of pages dedicated to explaining more about the different types of traps, etc. that you may come across in the countryside
—— Cages explains about the types of cages that may be used
—— Leg-hold and Body-grip Traps
—— Raptor Traps
—— Injured Animal Advice gives some basic advice for dealing with animals found injured in the above traps and snares
6. Badger Cull This page gives more information on what the cull is and why we oppose it, including how we’ve been working in the Gloucestershire cull zone
— General Information explains more about the general situation of the cull at present
—— Our Response to the News that Badger Culling will be ‘Phased Out’ (March 2020) is basically what the title suggests… it is a brief article written alongside others in Gloucestershire Badger Office (which we helped set up in response to badger culling beginning in Gloucestershire in 2013) and is our response to the recent news
—— Our Response to the News that Badger Culling will be ‘Phased Out’ (January 2021) is an update, almost a year on, of the exact same news and disinformation that we responded to in March 2020
— Sett-Surveying contains more information about sett-surveying in general
7. Myths is an attempt to dispel a few myths that are held about sabs and hunting
8. Legal contains more information about laws regarding hunting and our tactics. It’s important to know the legality of what you oppose and the legality of the tactics you want to use as well
— The Hunting Act 2004 is the law against hunting, commonly referred to as ‘the Hunting Ban’
—— Before the Ban: Political is a brief run-down of what came before the ‘ban’ was put into place
— Exempt Hunting: The Gamekeepers’ Exemption explains some of the exemptions included in the Hunting Act which allows gamekeepers to kill foxes
— The Protection of Badgers Act 1992 is an important piece of legislation for us, especially considering hunts in this area are prolific sett-blockers!
— Trespass and Aggravated Trespass contains information about the civil offence of trespass and the criminal offence of aggravated trespass as few people seem to understand the difference between the two
9. Contact Us contains our various contact details
— Other Groups and Information contains details of other groups and links to other useful information
10. Merchandise shows what 3C related merchandise we have that people can buy in order to help us with funds and awareness-raising
11. Site Map… well, here we are!