National Anti-hunt Exposes

This page is simply a place in which we can refer to any expose which reflects on or affects hunting on a national level, as opposed to our own, local work.


November 2020: Hunt Saboteurs Association expose on Hunting Office webinars

From the Hunt Saboteurs Association webpage and press release:

“Online Zoom webinars run by the Hunting Office evidence a nationwide conspiracy by hunters to commit perjury and actively flout the 2005 ban on hunting with hounds.  Throughout the three hours of talks, hunts are clearly and repeatedly incited to engage in mass criminality and shown how to present a smokescreen to anyone watching.

The three webinars were part of a series that took place in August this year and were attended by over a hundred and fifty hunt masters from across the country.  The panel was made up of leaders of the hunting community including:

Lord Mancroft – Conservative Peer, Chair of the Masters of Foxhounds Association (MFHA) and former Chair of the Countryside Alliance.

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Phil Davies – ex-Police Inspector and Police Liaison Consultant to the Countryside Alliance. 

Mark Hankinson – MFHA Director, Hunting Office Executive Director  and former Master of the Wilton Hunt.

Richard Tyacke – Chairman of the Association of Masters of Harriers and Beagles (AMHB), Hunting Office Executive Director  and former Master and Huntsman of the Wynnstay Hunt.

Paul Jelley – Master of the Chilmark and Clifton Foot Beagles from 1990 – 2013 and a Police Officer for 30 years.

The Hunting Office was formed in 2005 in response to the Hunting Act. It represents and supports hundreds of hunts in England, Scotland, and Wales.” 

January 2021: Hunting Leaks website set up to collate documents leaked regarding hunting, information held on anti-hunt people and so on

From the website’s homepage:

“This website has been set up in response to a document passed onto us, written by the Countryside Alliance (CA) it outlined two major attacks on the privacy of anti hunting activists. The CA have collected personal data on hundreds and potentially thousands of people, they attempt to legitamise this behaviour by saying that with regards to GDPR purposes it is acceptable so they can prevent crime. Yet throughout the document they say the real reasons are to help them with social media and help counter anti hunt facebook and twitter posts.”

On top of exposing the databases held on anti-hunt people, the website has also exposed information on various hunts, information on the Vote OK campaign and running of pro-hunt candidates for PCC positions (Police and Crime Commissioners) and shared minutes from a meeting of This is Hunting UK members. We’re sure there will be plenty more to come…

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