Ross Harriers: 7th November 2015

Report from Saturday 7th November 2015. Ross Harriers. The meet was a Wharton Farm, signed up to the Gloucestershire badger cull. We were joined by our old friends from Southampton, Bristol and South Wales sabs and the huntsman Simon Dunne basically ran away from the old railway line, past Richard Hammond’s pile (yes…he of top gear fame) and on to Chackley.

It was at Rudhall that hounds began to speak and pursue a very clever fox who evaded them in thick undergrowth before breaking covert and escaping. Sabs present did manage to stop the pack by rating them when the fox had passed but the hounds were very close.

Other sabs called hounds to stop them pursuing the fox and some time was spent gathering them back again. They didn’t get to do much at all for the rest of the day being caught between several different groups and were sulking by the end.

We also had some imaginative stories from some of the hunt followers but we won’t bore you with those.

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