Hethrop, chipping Norton. 4 blocked badger setts so far. Hunt have gone shitty pants and changed their plans but called us to say that they know where we are…. They don’t
5 years ago the Heythrop killed a fox near Sarsgrove wood and it was filmed by hunt monitors becoming evidence in the case where they were forced to plead guilty as a corporate body to multiple charges of illegal hunting. You would have thought that they would have learned something but alas,same old same old. Anyway one sab was on a bike and another was up early sett checking.
It was expected that the Heythrop would come into the area but with it approaching 15.00, 5 badger setts having been found to be blocked and phone calls from the hunt asking where we all were it was assumed that they had decided not to take the risk of anything happening in front of cameras. It was only then that hounds were heard in full cry at Sarsden House and a fox ran past this admin only to be holloaed at by a woman (holloaing is a high pitched scream used to call hounds onto the hunted fox). The elusive Charlie Frampton emerged and did make a token effort (not a very good one BAD Charlie) to stop hounds, this pack can stop on a pin if they are told to do so. He then packed up by 15.30, unheard of for this hunt.
Anyway, 4 slashed tyres on return to the car. Police and RSPCA fully briefed on setts. The setts were made safe for badgers and foxes. Of course the Heythrop denied all knowledge so presumably the badgers are digging themselves in with spades now on every hunting morning after dining on hedgehogs and bees, in between plotting celebrity deaths…?