‘Receipt’ all that is needed for National Trust to trust the hunts…

Please share. The National Trust are either very, very trusting or complicit in and very aware of illegal hunting on their land. A friend of 3C Sabs owns a business which requires 3 fire extinguishers in order to be legally open for business – merely providing a receipt for such things wouldn’t be proof that they were installed or being used.

How can the National Trust believe that the hunt are legally hunting based purely on this?? Especially when so much evidence exists of illegal hunting amongst other criminal, and violent, behaviour?

Add to that other issues involved in the import of fox urine and maybe the NT should reconsider their views on all this…

New website launched for Gloucestershire Badger Office!

New website launched with information and a ‘history’ of cull experiences over the years. Still more to add to it, but we all wanted the basics published soon, so here it is. Share it far and wide, send in additions, links to news stories or articles you think should be added, ideas to improve it (or to report typos or other mistakes) and any personal stories you think should be included (anonymously).

Hundreds of people were involved in the GBO / wider anti-cull campaign and this should be a resource for all of you, plus any new people joining us in the future.

Take a look!

Gloucestershire Badger Office on Network23

Weasel fatally injured in legal trap

**UPDATE** Unsurprisingly this poor creature didn’t survive. Whether she bled out (the trap would have acted like a tourniquet) or a build up of toxins was released when she was removed and gave her organ failure or she went into shock, she died though she was still fighting for life. These traps are supposed to be ‘humane’. Where can you find them out in the country? Almost all shooting estates, around pheasant pens, near land where the owners just dont like sharing with other species… we’ll post more info on Fenn traps and others soon, so please watch this space and share the info! We’re out sett surveying, and finding stuff like this, almost daily in the run up to this year’s culls – support us if you can**


Sabs have just found this poor creature on a shooting estate in the Cotswolds. She was cut free and is still alive and being kept warm en route to a wildlife hospital. Fenn traps are legal and any animal caught in one faces a cruel and torturous death. All so that someone with more money than sense can blast at birds. We will keep you updated…


October 2017 – Malvern Hills Trust considering ‘evidence’ regarding hunting

Report taken from our friends in ‘Fox Hunt off Malvern Hills‘:

At a recent Malvern Hills Trust board meeting a member of the board said that (hunting policy) ‘decisions should be made based on facts and not claims’. Since there is no apparent evidence whatsoever of legal hunting, trail laying or trail following and a great collection of evidence (although often not of legal value) showing violence, terriermen/terrier work, illegal/accidental hunting, damage to land, badger sett blocking etc. the Trust’s decisions on hunting should be extremely easy. Please share to raise awareness.