20th September 2018 – Cotswold Vale Farmers’ Hunt

Huntsman and terrier man pack up horses at Norton Court Farm after an evening hunting meet between Boddington and the A38 this afternoon. A couple of us took a break from sett-checking in the cull zones to join them after a tip-off.

Hounds were regularly out of control in usual Cotswold Vale Farmers’ style, near the main roads during rush hour.

One of our sabs entered the meet after pack up to inform the farmer about a young calf we were worried about in a nearby field – we might be in opposition over hunting but when an animal’s welfare is at stake we’ll alert them to it (contrary to what many hunters will tell you about us wishing harm on animals).

Support us if you can. We’re off back out to join the rest of the group in the cull zones. Support us if you can

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