23rd October ’18 – CVFH

*** Fox killed by CVFH at Newcomers’ Meet ***

The Cotswold Vale Farmers’ Hunt held a meet today right near where hounds were seen out of control and all over the A38 on Saturday. Pony Club were out and with it being Newcomers’ Week the hunt would be showing off what could be expected from the hunt if riders were to support them for the remainder of the season.

The first half of the day proved that the hunt were not following a trail. Hounds picked up on a few scents but with sabs present and cameras on them, the hunt did their job and called hounds off. Strange that hounds weren’t picking up on any trails, the only scents being of actual foxes…

With the area being landlocked, the hunt circled round and round the same fields inland, landowner Smith attempting to use his horse as a weapon against sabs. The hunt were getting annoyed that they were unable to chase due to our presence. The Newcomers were getting fed up of riding the same fields and doing little else.

Having been roughly pushed off land, we managed to catch up with the hunt without them seeing us so we observed hounds suddenly picking up in a hedge. Within less than a minute hounds had killed, hunt riders swiftly removing the body. A sab was tackled to the ground and assaulted while trying to film the remains. More details to follow, including footage, when we know what will happen about a police investigation.

Support our work, financially if you can, at PayPal.me/threecountiessabs Fuel is our biggest expense, memory cards need to be kept once needed as evidence and new ones bought, cameras need repairing and replacing when damaged by the hunt.

Please share. Thank you. 3C

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