17th December ’18 – Duke of Beaufort’s Hunt

*** 5 blocked badger setts, hounds all over the A4135, hounds hunting through gardens on outskirts of Tetbury, sab’ punched in face by hunt follower ***

The Beaufort met around Bowldon and we attended with Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch and Bristol sabs. They moved off first to Sheephouse covert and then to Bowldown wood. They did pick up but scent was poor in the sunlight on a frosty morning. CIHW found the terriermen up to something dodgy in Goss covert and they moved promptly north to Chavenage.

3C sabs went inland to checks setts and AEs finding 2 badger setts blocked (which were made safe for both badgers and foxes) and gates unblocked meaning that the hunt were coming back so we bided our time. CIHW found 3 more blocked setts.

After second horsing at Beverston Camp they drew Park Bottom then some hounds arrived at Oldown Brake rioting on deer. They were stopped by kennel huntsman Nick Hopkins. Matt Ramsden then went on to draw the exact same area as to where the deer had sought refuge in that covert. They rioted again and were stopped again. It was then a whistle blew signifying that someone on point had seen a fox leave Oldown. There was some too’ing and froing, more whistles blown and at one stage a sab managed to give the hunted fox a few seconds by rating the pack but the huntsman hunted them on. It ended well with the fox escaping to ground quickly afterwards.

They then headed up to the A4135 and when we got around there hounds were all over the road. One angry road user ignored the resulting traffic jam and went on to nearly run over 2 hounds. Many others have contacted the police. Anyway it all got a bit heated. Now you would think after that they might have left the main road be?

Oh no, back up Hook house lane where they picked up and hunted back to the main road. Then it was a matter of hounds hunting through private gardens on the outskirts of Tetbury. It was concerning that they were so near to a main road as it was starting to get dark and as they leapt the front gate onto the road a concerned sab’ called out to the kennel huntsman who was nearby but looking in the opposite direction. They were then punched in the face by a hunt follower. Details have been given to the police.

Day not yet over Bristol saw 2 quads which went inland in the dark, what they were up to we know not but as they ran away from us before we could ask them we will have to assume that it was nothing good.

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