21st December ’18 – Ledbury Hunt

On this solstice day the Ledbury met in the Gloucestershire badger cull zone where the cull this year has been in full swing for the last 6 months (the longest ever).

We began pre meet checking setts for signs of both blocking and cull activity. Despite this being the 6th year and the 6th month of culling lots of paw prints and latrines found at some setts. Alas others not looking so active. None that we checked pre- or post-hunt (checking under a full moon is always magical) were found to be blocked.

They tried to draw Catsbury Hill first but as we were already ahead of them and had pre-sprayed, huntsman Mark Melladay took them away to try his luck up Limbury Hill.

We then encountered our wannabe nemesis David Mansell who tried to round up one sab’ with his horse, despite the fact that he has got into trouble for similar behaviour before. Holding us up for 5 minutes we managed to continue without too much trouble.

They did hunt a fox north towards Carter’s Grove but seemed to lose him.

They then popped over to Woolridge and then the meadows at Ashleworth where they had a long hunt. As we drew close they had finished and were on their way home. We do not know what happened to that fox.

Tonight, winter Solstice, fantastic people are out protecting badgers from a regular shooter as we returned home exhausted and we had a call about a duck shoot in the zone in the early evening. It just never seems to end sometimes and they are all out tomorrow again…

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