Updating posts: 3rd December ’18 (NCH)

As the season winds to a close and we get out in the fields doing more sett-surveying, there is more time to go through footage from the 2018/19 season.

This video was filmed after a call out near to Cleeve Prior. Hounds had already been through a field of sheep and upset the farmer. When one of us arrived hounds were heard for a long period in the same area indicating a dig-out. The pack sounded like they were being held back so that the fox could be hunted again, shot and fed to hounds or fed live to hounds (all have been known following dig-outs).

It was as feared: the pack were near the dig-out site, the mounted field were waiting by and terriermen were seen up to no good in the woods. As the sab’ made their presence known (in the hope that they would abandon the dig-out) the pack lunged forward after what must have been the fox running from the area. They would have already got the fox out of the badger sett. The pack went on to hunt the fox through someone’s garden, upsetting the householder and those working there. It is thought that they killed this fox shortly afterwards.

The hunting season is over for us this year but we now have to focus our efforts on sett-surveying in several cull zones and working on other projects. Please continue to support us if you can: paypal.me/threecountiessabs

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