19th September 2020 – North Cotswold Hunt

This is not a fun place to be as a sab’ on these banks, VERY hilly! However the hunt were kept up with (despite us having stalkers) and, apart from hounds seen hunting on a very steep hill above Stanton, they drew blank (which means that they did not pick up any scent).

First of all we had singing and dancing from stalker number one – this is done alongside loud music, so nothing else can be heard. Then a man in the yellow jacket tried the same thing, with the occassional whistle. Ollie tried very hard at the end to find a fox in some fields near the meet. No trail here at all.

So, we know this lot and they are not trail hunting. They are fox hunting and that is an offence under the Hunting Act. As such how can they be exempt from the rule of 6? Trailhunting doesn’t actually exist to our knowledge.

Also bear this in mind, 46 participants were counted. Most were mounted. Then a few foot followers, terriermen and whoever else, that is for today only. The NCH were out yesterday around Snowshill – chances are that a different lot of people were out hunting today, what with work commitments etc. And they were out on Wednesday too. And Monday.

A few miles away the Cotswold met with a similar number of people, they are out 3-4 days a week as well, different people joining every day…

The Ledbury were near Upton, they were out yesterday at Ashleworth, again out 3-4 days a week, lots of people tooing and froing.

Some will have grooms, not counted as being out but there to mingle at the end.

Also out today the CVFH near Tewkesbury. The Beaufort, the VWH, the Heythrop, the Worcestershire… around 200 hunts nationwide.

So let us say they are out 3 mornings a week with different people attending and swapping over, going to different hunts for those who live on the borders of various hunt countries and this is actually taking the piss in a huge way when you consider that they have been given permission to TRAIL hunt as opposed to cubhunting, which is what they are actually doing. In all other cases such as grouse shooting (regrettably) these are all still legal activities.

It is really important to film right now. Look for coverts being held up, saddle slapping, any digging out, sett blocking, hounds being encouraged into brambles where obviously no trail has been laid and so forth. Film and report to police, MPs, media and so forth.

Anyway, well and truly knackered, cub hunting and the badger cull taking it’s toll but a bit of sleep will remedy that :) We are halfway through the 4th month of culling here and helping in newer zones so please keep the information coming in and if you wish to help keep us going paypal.me/threecountiessabs

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