24th September 2020 – Cotswold Vale Farmers’ Hunt

*** 50+ people cub hunting with NO social distancing with CVFH * Fox hunted through maize and hunted into a drain * Sab presence stops terriermen from bolting fox but they hunt another towards main road in dark ***

Well, the Countryside Alliance advice was stapled to the gatepost at the meet at the hunt’s kennels and then several dozen mounted and foot support all came out bunched up together from several different hunts. Lockdown? What lockdown? Doesn’t apply here…

Anyway, hounds rioted on deer but were successfully stopped. They then were in some maize (and who would lay a trail through maize?) Bear in mind the hunting exemption applies ONLY to trail hunting, NOT fox hunting.

They hunted a fox out of the maize and he escaped into a drain – hounds could be heard marking & Matthew Vater could be heard calling the terriermen. The terriermen sped to get that fox out & were observed changing their clothes to get down into the ditch, one carrying a torch.

They ran away very fast indeed when a sab approached… the “5 rules for terriermen” state not to run away if acting lawfully. How odd… They kept going back to the drain to try their luck, but were unsuccessful. Terrierman Nick Hodges hung about for a few minutes before joining his chums.

Last heard the CVFH hounds were hunting in the dark towards some main roads including the roundabout at Teddington…

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