3rd October 2020 – Heythrop Hunt

*** blocked setts found where hounds were hunting ***

With Gloucestershire Constabulary taking sett-blocking more seriously over recent seasons (although it hasn’t been entirely stopped in Glos either) there is a perceptible difference when you head across the border into, say, Oxfordshire. Having determined that the North Cots Hunt were not out hunting this morning, we posted a video of them exercising so that we could “sneak up” on the Heythrop who had been called in to us.

Two sabs ran inland near to the meet, missed by stalkers (one of whom later referred to himself as such, forgetting to tow the party line that they are not stalkers…). With sab on road and sabs inland, their location unknown to the hunt, the hunt headed East out of the area. We caught up with them as hounds went into cry in a nearby wood, a blocked badger sett less than 100yds from them.

The sett (which our stalker Lizzie can be seen at here) was unblocked (though some entrances had a lot of earth pushed into them and, in the pouring rain, were difficult to fully open up) allowing badgers an airflow and the ability to get out and dig back into the entrances safely from outside. The landowner arrived and stated he was upset that we were trespassing, told us “of course” the hunt are allowed there then refused to comment on the blocked sett and left. We. Will. Be. Monitoring. It. In. Future.

The hunt packed up around 11am and we’re out (in the rain) checking setts and looking for cull activity while we’re at it – if you know any setts, etc or have info for the Oxfordshire area please contact the awesome Oxfordshire against the Cull. To support what we do, please keep those tip-offs coming in. If you can afford a few quid that can go towards fuel and equipment you can chuck ’em our way via PayPal.me/threecountiessabs

In the meantime Thames Valley Police you need to start taking sett-blocking and wildlife persecution more seriously! We will be reporting the blocked setts later and expect a positive response…

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